Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Two Souls, One Body: Onizel's Profile


Name: Izelas Rutherford/Onelle Firenza
Age: 52/17
Gender: Male/Female
Race: Human/Half-Elf
Height: 175 cm/160 cm
Weight: 71 kg/58 kg
Hair: Grey-White/Blonde
Eyes: Blue/Green
Skin: Average/Light
Identifying Marks: A scar running across his face, over the bridge of his nose and a crescent brand reminiscent of a moon on the back of his right hand/sunburst brand on the back of her left hand
Izelas: Gruff, wiry and usually sporting a descent stubble, Izelas has a look of experience about him; experience both pleasant and unpleasant. Though there are crows feet at the corners of his eyes, the almost-permanent scowl his face is set in seems to suggest the days of happiness that produced those crows feet are long past. Or he could just be smelling something bad. Your call.

His blue eyes have a hardness to them; an icy coldness. At the same time, though, they have a sense of purpose and are as clear as the blue sky. A scar, one that looks like it was made many, many years ago, runs across the length of his face, starting below one eye, trailing over the bridge of his nose, and ending under the other.

His general clothing style is one of function; long pants, boots, shirt and a jacket to deal with the chill. He has been known to wear armor, yet he feels it slows him down, and thus, he will often go without.

Onelle: Lithe, graceful and willowy, Onelle is almost the entire opposite of Izelas. Her pale skin is smooth, nary a mark on its surface. As if she's always smiling at some private joke, her pink lips are quirked into a smile.

Her forest-green eyes are large, innocent, and have a look of curiosity to them. They have a perpetual glimmer to them as they seek out the answers to the important questions of the universe (such as, "What should I buy with Izelas' money today?").

While Izelas' clothing exists for function, Onelle's choice of covering is long, flowing dresses (when she can afford them, at least).

Strengths: Izelas: Confident in his ability to handle most things, physical and mental fortitude, experience in fighting and survival.
Onelle: Compassionate, amicable, caring.
Weaknesses and fears: Izelas: Social skills of a pimple, terrible at gardening. Fears: mooshrooms, magic, having to share a body with Onelle for the rest of his life.
Onelle: Physically weak, naive, gullible. Fears: the dark, monsters.
Religion and cults: Izelas: worships no god or man/Onelle: follower of Shalherana
Profession: Izelas: Trained warrior, survivalist/Onelle: healer, magician

((Story to come at a later date))