Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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(tyi167) – application [Approved-Man5791]


1) What is your MINECRAFT username?


2) How old are you?


3) Where are you?

United States of America

4) Have you read our guides yet?


5) Introduce yourself!

Hello, my name is Nathan and I currently hope to pursue a career in the United States Cyber Command as a Cyber Defense Officer. I currently attend High School as a Junior and I really enjoy roleplaying. I also roleplay on another game called Garry's Mod. I have been involved in Metro 2033 RP, FalloutRP, HL2RP, and SSTRP. I know a bit about 3D modeling too. I have been gaming for 13 Years and hope to make a lot of good friends here.

6) Got any examples of your work?

3D Modeling Work:


About your character

Name: Dimaethor "Dim" Séregon

Age: 102

Race: Forest Elf

Appearance: Long Bow on back/Clean Shaven/Confident Stance/Long Black Hair/6'5ft Tall/ Muscular Build/


It must be late afternoon. I can feel the wonderful warm sunlight hit my cloak. Riddle Port is an interesting town. The streets seem to be a bit busy, I have to keep pushing past people in order to keep moving forward down the stone road. I continue walking but quickly notice a filthy looking beggar on the side of the street. He is asking people for food and money, but all of these people are ignoring him. I watch the people pass by him with disgust. I stop and slowly look around as people pass around me. Watching the people pass by I notice a Wealthy Noble walking towards me. As he walks up to the beggar he laughs. I watch as the Noble taunts the beggar, I begin to move towards the Noble, keeping my head hidden in the shadow of my hood. As I approach the Noble I notice a small back of what appears to be coins hanging from the Large Wealthy man's side. As soon as I am within range I silently move my hand to my dagger, tugging on it and pulling it free from the sheath. As I walk past the man I move my unoccupied hand onto the small bag of coins. I pull it a bit away from the man's leg so that he does feel what will be coming. Without hesitation, I quickly move the knife along the string holding the bag of coins on the man's belt and quickly slice the string free from the belt. I immediately cover the bag of coins, now in my hands, with the long sleeve of my cloak. I set the tip of my dagger onto the top of the sheath and allow it to drop back into its original location. I move from the street to a wall adjacent of the beggar and watch with disgust as the Noble finishes up tormenting the old beggar. As the Noble walks away, I quickly move through the crowd of people walking. I then approach the beggar, and watch him from behind the darkness of my hood. I say to him in an emotionless tone "Take care of yourself, sir." before bending down and softly handing the man the small bag of coins. The beggar watches me for a moment before reaching out and taking the small leather bag. I quickly return to a standing position before walking of and blending back into the crowd of moving people.