Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Unbanning Eric

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Lord of Altera
While trying to let us all know that the small server event we where all waiting for, Eric forgot to switch back to team speak. As a result, he was banned, as it was mistaken for advertising. It really hurt him to be banned, he was totally crushed, and I beg you admins, because he won't stand up for himself, I will, please un-ban him. He's a great guy and always helps out the community at our town, and its hard to see him gone with a single admin command.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
anyone from hw, play hunger games with us at
Doesn't sound like he forgot to switch back to anything. He was clearly making a shout out to anyone on hw (Hollowworld).
Since he clearly didn't read the rules properly I suggest you ask him to go an re-read the rules so he doesn't break any more.
I'll unban him on this occasion since it seems to have been a genuine mistake.
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