Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Unsparked] Eon'noyr | Novik'ya


Official Alteran
IGN: HayBaiBai
Character Name: Eon'noyr or Novik'ya
Character Profile: Here! Hmm, I should update it sometime
Intended School: Formistry (Matter)
Intended Specialization: Glass Manipulation through Matter and Volatile
Desired Passive/Knack: Her beginning knack would be fairly subtle but still noticeable: glass and similar materials (ceramic or obsidian maybe?) resonating slightly in her presence, vibrating or rattling when close. Not enough to cause damage or stress them out in any way. Just some fun resonance with her preferred material.

The knack would further evolve to have more visual elements dealing with glass. I haven't totally thought of how yet, but I just like the idea of a 'strained glass angel' sorta deal. Her eyes might eventually crystalize over into looking like stained glass windows, or perhaps patches of glass begin forming on her skin... At one of the upper tiers, since she will be carrying around glass with her always, I would love for aesthetic wings of stained glass to rise up around her when she casts (or other materials like rock and rubble if there's no glass available in the area). But yeah, I'm going to play it by ear, but keep with the glass theme.

As for sparking... I'd like it to be gmed, and accidental to some degree. It could potentially involve an accidental Faustian Bargain where she doesn't realize what she's getting into, or just a true accident of some sort. I'll make an Arcane ticket to talk it (and the rest of my app) over sometime soon! ^-^