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VERPA217's appeal for a ban. - resolved

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Lord of Altera
I have recently been banned from the server for griefing a house. I do not in any way deny that my account griefed the house, I shared my minecraft account with a friend so that he could download the game and play on it, I questioned him about the griefing after bieng banned and he admits that he did it. He says "yeah i stole some iron blocks to get you some iron mate, good ennit, but yeah sorry you got banned :p" to which I replied "your an idiot. I respect the server and you have gotten me banned." And changed the password instantly.
I have learned that sharing my account is an absolute no and I will refrain from doing it ever again in the future. I can assure you that I would never grief, as being griefed a few times myself I know how annoying it is. I will give the person whom my friend griefed back the full amount he is owed straight away without questioned, And more if he so wishes.

I hope you can see my side of the argument and will feel some empathy towards me. Thank you.


<3 Hollow World
Verpa, Aug88 spoke up for you after I banned you. I'm going to give you a 48 hour temp ban, if it happens again the "someone else used my account" excuse wont' work and it'll most likely be permanent. You are responsible for what happens on your account.
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