Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Vibius Hostilius Herennius (WIP)


Lord of Altera
Vibius Hostilius Herennius
[Picture Pending]
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status: He wants for little
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6’ 0”
Weight: 135 lbs
Date of Birth: TBD
Date of Death: -
Homeland: Asrakos
Current Home: TBD

Build: A bit underweight, thin but not unhealthily so
Hair: Black but with some grey creeping in, it is curly and kept short.
Facial Hair: A short beard a shade greyer than the hair on his head.
Eyes: Topaz brown.
Skin: Olive toned but a bit pale from time indoors
Identifying Marks: TBD
Appearance: Looks like he’s gone with little sleep for sometime, could use a bit of a trim but isn’t quite ragged.
Clothing: TBD
Weaponry: TBD
Prized Possessions: TBD
Hygiene: Obsessively clean.
Voice: TBD ( Possible Jeremy Irons)