Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Today] Battle of Champions


Better than sliced bread
Posters interchangeably would be spread around the major towns that would allow such, as well as murmurs of two houses pitting champions against each other.

"As of recent, the Kingdom of Sangria has arrested the Prince of the Lutians to be held on trial for the alleged crime of holding slaves, infringing on the rights of man. House Wise disputes the arrest, and has proposed a champion from each house may step forward in hopes to settle the tides. Gather, women and men, to Konungsriki's Arena of Champions. Bare witness, and may Jax shed luck on who he finds most favorable of the two."

"With news of the recent capture and accusation of Prince Ciaran Niall, Warden of Lutia, House Wise has ordered a trial by combat be held to resolve the conflict. Each House will put fourth a champion of their choosing. With Jax's blessing justice will be served, and Warden Niall shall rightfully be returned to his lands.

We gon watch two people fight should be good

Date & Time:
Wednesday, 5 PM EST
Moderate, public.
Last edited:


Better than sliced bread
who's fighting who
Asmarious and Boetius, and it is to yield. It's not as exciting, but the entire event is watching two people fight anyhow. It gets interesting when it boils down as to what happens to Ciaran, the alledged slaver prince.