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When the Grey Robes call to dance.


The Arbiter of the Gods
The party has been splendid through most of the night. It was the wedding party of Glarth Burkenfel and Shaire Lemirth.
More than fifty guests were invited, most of whom were trusted friends of both merchant families. The wedding took place in a small church in Timbervale and the families hired a giant hall to host their party in after the ceremony. The party would, by eye, cost around seventy thousand Radiants altogether at least, but none of the family heads were complaining, clearly happy with the new alliance that would soon allow them to increase prices on their produce due to lack of competition.
"Mister Burkenfel, Madame Lemirth, I would like to congratulate you your marriage," smiled the fat, old spice merchant from the South named Erthon. "Please, accept my humble wedding gift, though I know it cannot even provide for quarter of the happiness love gives."
As he said it, his servant uncovered two large medals resting on a small cushion, each with clear and beautiful pictures of Bilworth and a large, diamond covered letters "Fortune favours the rich". Such present could have costed thousands, and could quite possibly afford a personal house in the noble areas of Port Silver. Not like the two families didn't already own a couple...
The first three hours of the party looked just like that. Friends and family would come up to the couple and congratulate them, then give them their gifts, which were all extremely expensive.
The second part of the celebration was the actual party. Couples would dance slowly to the music, and people would drink and eat as much as they'd want...
Would... if the Grey Robes didn't come.
It is hard to say why the knock on the doors was sinister. After all it's just someone hitting the doors, wearing leather gloves. For some reason, however, it was. Maybe because no one was supposed to enter the hall and servants would throw anyone that tried? Or perhaps outside of knocking the outside seemed like dead?
The people behind the knocking didn't wait for a reply. They gently pushed the doors open. There were two of them; one with a slightly darker skin tone and dark brown hair with a large beard, and the other blonde and pale, with a clean beard. The dark brown one's clothes were basic Inquisitor robes, light grey with a large sword hanging from his belt and a seal worn as an amulet. The blonde one's robes were slightly darker, showing higher status within the hierarchy, but other than that the clothing was pretty much the same.
"Greetings, Inquisitors..." said Daren Burkenfel, father to Glarth and the head of the family, quite uncertain. "What may people with such noble cause be doing amongst simple people during such a beautiful occasion?"
The dark brown grinned, but before he could say anything the blonde one stepped forward, and spoke in a clear voice:
"Allow me to introduce me and my partner. This is High Inquisitor Dalner, and I'm Inquisitor Lord Methew. We would like to congratulate the couple married and find it most saddening that we could not have brought any gifts for the lucky two, however duty should always come before anything, especially in our position."
"But of course," replied Quell Lemirth, mother of Shaire, perhaps a little too quickly and eagerly, because she quickly cleared her throat and began again, calmer. "What may you therefore be doing here, good sirs?"
Inquisitor Lord cleared his throat, before replying:
"We have received a report of a heretical shrine that has been recently used near Port Silver. It is truly saddening that there are still people amongst us that do such things, especially after the reforms, however I'm certain the issue will soon be resolved. We have tracked down the use of Dark Energy and the direction, and it has directed us to here."
The crowd sighed in slight shock, and when the two Inquisitors asked, everyone took their seats. The Questioning began.


The Arbiter of the Gods
N-naaah.. nah... >->
Someday... Or it'll remain as one of my never-to-be-finished little stories...


The Arbiter of the Gods
"What we are facing here is a type B heretical shrine," continued Mathew, unnerved by the silence that has fallen. "This is the most powerful shrine most False Gods are capable of, including the one we're dealing here, the old Galo Gulch Demon. At this level, in order to switch it on, one must run a ritual during which they sacrifice a child on their fifth birthday. Demons are generally very sentimental... However, though the ritual is hard, one can theoretically use its power to kill around twenty people in one go in whichever way they'd wish."
Obviously the silence changed from shocked to a more panicking one, but Inquisitor Lord's face remained expressionless, and High Inquisitor Dalmer even allowed a slight grin to appear on his face.
"B- but if someone used it... and was here. D-does that mean we are all in danger...?" asked Shaire slowly, pale as snow.
"Quite possibly. It was only possible to track down the one responsible for its use, and its use, to here, due to the aura of all of the people that are within this hall. Now, if you don't mind, we'll begin the questioning with you, Mrs Shaire."
Her eyes opened wider, but she just nodded. After all, she had nothing to hide...
"Where were you two weeks ago, on Saturday, in the morning and through the most afternoon?"
The girl gave some thought before replying;
"I think I was at my parents' home, preparing for the wedding ceremony and reading the customs, master..."
"Then why was it reported that you left Lord Delaniel's house in late afternoon that very same day?" it was now Dalmer's turn to question. "Why were you there in the first place? Does your father not hate Lord Delaniel because of jealousy of his title? I heard Delaniel loves you, madame, is it returned love? Do you cheat on your husband?!"
The girl broke up into tears, shouting "yes" from time to time... her new husband looked just as, if not more, shattered by the revelation. It was clear he really did love her.
"So we have a motive; you wanted to get rid of the entire Burkenfel family and marry lord Delaniel, who has a powerful position within the court and a nice title to go with it," said the High Inquisitor, but the Inquisitor Lord Mathew cleared his throat.
"We both know, however, my dear friend and partner, that she is not guilty of crimes against the Church directly. What she has done can be judged by her parents accordingly after we leave. At the moment, however, we must continue questioning."
Both Inquisitors held back a laugh when they saw almost the same expression on everyone's face... This will be some fun ride, thought Dalmer to himself, they all have their own little secrets, and we know them all. For Altera and the Gods...