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Wildfire Forge

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Non sum qualis eram
Naelwyn Talreyn is pleased to inform you that starting tomorrow, the fires of the Wildfire forge will burn hot in the plains of the Southern Wilds.

I can offer you the following, fantastic deal:

Bring your materials. Bring your damaged gear. I shall fix them, free of charge. (Though, tips are appreciated, and a good tipper will usually get me to stop whatever else I'm doing to come fix things.)

Anything that can be repaired, I can repair. With the highest change of an enchantment staying on that you can get on the server.

All available for free, to anyone that comes, regardless of faction or allegiance.

Wildfire forge reserves the right to not repair anything of individuals who, essentially, "Make a mess."

If too much trouble is being given to me over maintaining this free service to all those who walk the wilds, I will simply close it, and all will lose out. It is in the best interests of everyone who values shiny armor and weapons for us to stay in operation.

Wildfire forge can be reached simply by following the gravel path from the fort, past the wooden lookout. The path, and the forge itself, should be visible from there.


Sounds Great, Sire!
If I Get The Chance, On My Travels, I Will Visit It!
You Never Know, I Have A Love Of Gold Swords...


Non sum qualis eram
Wildfire forge is hot and fully functional!

The first day was a glorious success! RP - AND - Commerce! Exactly as planned!

All are welcome to keep coming back! Whenever the doors are open, I should be nearby.


Non sum qualis eram
We just got some stock.

A lot of stock.

Come by when the forge is open and you can purchase full armament suites of diamond and iron, bows, axes and swords, as well as plenty of lesser enchanted items.


Non sum qualis eram
Well, nobody has been coming to the forge in an age.

I'll be shutting this one down to RP the forgemaster in more active (And safer, which is probably the issue) areas.

If an individual is feeling enterprising, I'll be leaving the structure up, and just taking everything of value out of the inside. You can feel free to claim the forge and adjoining area for any purpose when I vacate it. If you're interested in this, please send me a conversation invite, and I'll let you know when I've left.

Again, thread is now deprecated. Please lock and let fall to the depths.
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