Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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wolf of red dawn


name: Riku, artimous, Black
nickname: Riku
age: 21
gender: male
race: human (then were wolf)
height: 5"3' (werewolf 6"9')
weight:121.lbs (werewolf 204.lbs)
hair: red-orange (werewolf crimson)
eyes: hasel (wolf red)
skin: olive (wolf crimson fur)
identifying marks: scratch along right arm, bite mark on leg.
appearance: not a good build, piercing eyes, pretty tall though.
strengths:hunting, finding.
weakness or fears: sucks at hidding self and others. scared of heights and cats.
religion: lycan god
profession: detective agency


about five years ago on a full moon a small child by the looks of 15 sits at the porch of his house out looking his beutiful city. tonight that city would be no more. about a mile away a pack of werewolves or lycans were charging the town of guerty. the house the boy sat at overlooked the whole city and he was able to see the werewolves. he bolted into his house and told his mother what he say, but she did not belive him. so the boy told his father and his father said, "look son its late why dont you hit the sack." his father and mother did not belive him. he set out to save his town him-self armed with only his bow 1 arrow and stone sword. he made it to the lycans before they besiged the city. he shot the arrow at 1, it dropped. "7 to go" he thought to him self. he pulled out the sword and fought he got 2 more but then was scratched..... he hit the dirt the emense pain of being scratched on the full moon was to much and he fainted. he awoke just as dawn hit the blood red air. he knew it was to late for him self and his perfect city. he quickly headed out of the city not wanting to see the grusome blood bath of his home town.


he sat in an old cottage to the side of the rode thinking of the past month not even remembering the buetiful full moon. he knew he had killed but who was his question. he grabed the bag of pork bow and broken sword, and left. knowing authoritys would be looking for a sick minded murderer
he tried to keep low. he then traveled for five years to the city of sirens call.

5 years later
so much had happened he had opened a detective agency, had killed over 60 times he knew he couldnt keep up much longer but he had to try.