Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Worst Vacationitus Ever.


I think I might like it here
Tomorrow (29th July) I’ll be off to Bournemouth to stay with my boyfriend for four weeks. Sad part is he only moved in recently, and basically there will be no internet. A whole month without the internet, or Minecraft, or TS on a computer *cries*. I will be clinging to the forums on my phone for life support, so I will still be active here. One of my friends from college laughed and said a month from the internet would ‘force me to get a life’. Seriously, who wants a boring normal life these days?

ANYWAY. After this month of torture holiday I will hopefully be back online, to see you all, and irritate everybody with my mewing. I will be back on (26th August), a week before re-enrolling in college. :3

Take care people, MEW!