Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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XBOX Gamer Tags


Grand Lizard
You could only wonder what mine would be... Its Kaies.

All of us are very unoriginal...


I think mines the only one actually different its TheMentalCase

So what games does everyone play?


Lord of Altera
Id go with "Potatishandlaren". meaning Potatomerchant or something like that. Its also an awesome swedish movie from 1996 :D
Got the name from my dad though, he used to nick that on CS 1.6 when he was playing a looooong time ago.


Legend of Altera
El Werido

Yes, my Gamer Tag really explains me - And sorry if I dont reply quick, I do not have access to Internet cables for my Xbox


Legend of Altera
I had an Xbox but it didn't meet my televisions graphic limits so I bought a PS3, my PSN in Bigdanick95 if anyone cares.