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[How to] Move your town


Loyal Servant of Altera
ok i rly want some one to take the spot at 14500 x 15500 ish, its in the bottom right hand corner looking at the dyn map, its a river outlet and theres an island off the coast, it an amazing place imo, and id love it is someone was there

edit* this isnt my spot im in the ocean, i want people to look here its pretty!

Bellon the Wise

Survivor of Five Rivers
I will move Aurolus and Golden Peak.

You have been assigned to the ArchWizard. Let's hope my magic is what it used to be. . .

I will be on tonight.... in about 8 hours


Town name: Thalgorn
Mayor name: Backstay
Chosen option: 2
New town location: Uploaded 4 files.
Additional information: Well im going to start over completely, and change the theme/concept of the town. Im still trying to decide what to turn it into. I just made this post so i wont lose the town in progress.
I need coordinates or do you expect me to fly the entire world to find that particular mountain ? You've chosen option 2, which is moving parts of your town. But now you're saying you want parts of it moved over?


Town name:Golden_Peak
Mayor name:The13thSun
Chosen option:4
New town location: X:6752, Y:150, Z:11032
Additional information: I really love the new trees in the exodus world. Also, Move to Golden_Peak; it's awesome up here.
Unfortunately that spot was already claimed by Redcap Crossing, and because of the size of their island there aren't really any other places it would fit well. Could you consider another location ?


Hey Bellon I have already marked the Aurolus, Y was 65 (default which i'm mouse over on dynmap)


Hey Lars, lovelorn's location was river ish, can you check dynmap? But she pm'ed you I can not see her coordinates. I thought her island should be on ocean not on river :s

EDITED: Never mind you just fixed it :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey Lars, lovelorn's location was river ish, can you check dynmap? But she pm'ed you I can not see her coordinates. I thought her island should be on ocean not on river :s

EDITED: Never mind you just fixed it :D

no cubey that location was one i wanted someone to check out for their town bc i tohught it was an awesome location, i mailed my spot to lars in a pm days ago

chris noble

Loyal Servant of Altera
Town name:Silverwatch
Mayor name:well, everyone calls him gorgeous, but his name is chrisnoble :D

Chosen option: 4 please
New town location:x:4000 y:11600
Additional information: could you bring part of the mountain range near silverwatch and large them into the land, so that silverwatch's mountains are merged into the mountains that are there. thanks lars


Grand Lizard
I have changed my mind on where i want Orkwyn to be, i would like it if it were @ 950,14555


The Lunarch
Town name: Lune Adal
Mayor name: Sodiumsmotts
Chosen option: Option 4
New town location: 15182, 41, 4184
Additional information: There is a large complex of roots underground, which spread out quite far, so don't forget to make the area you copy quite large!
Could the Branch with Balloon & Banner be pointed towards the river please?