Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Only 1 Video Game for the Rest of your Life

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Let's say if you have more than one video game, you will be horribly horrible slowly killed by a merciless mob. What would your one video game be?

Mine would be a tie between Ace Combat 5, Metroid Prime 3, and Minecraft. They're all so good, I can't decide. XD


King of Quests
I would just buy a load and play them while the mob slowly kill me :3 But in the event that I cant play it while they kill me it would have to be Pokemon blue (my first Pokemon game :p), assuming I get to play it on a decent screen instead of the awful GameBoy colour screen that only works in the perfect level of light :p


King ForumStalker
I would just buy a load and play them while the mob slowly kill me :3 But in the event that I cant play it while they kill me it would have to be Pokemon blue (my first Pokemon game :p), assuming I get to play it on a decent screen instead of the awful GameBoy colour screen that only works in the perfect level of light :p
Use a GBA SP with the backlight, it plays gbc games.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
If I can't choose Minecraft, it would have to be a Roguelike. If I can choose Minecraft of course I would choose that.

French Roast

Lord of Altera
I should add, you would be able to do EVERYTHING that you can normally do in the game, including multiplayer servers, mods, skins, texture packs, map seeds, adventure maps, DLCs, etc. as long as it doesn't go into other games. Other websites that don't involve games can be accessed.

Also, I might add, YouTube/Hulu/TV may be chosen instead of a video game.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
I would choose the Game that transforms into a Mob-Killing machine, kill the mob, and settle down with my collection of games.

If thats not possible, I would take Minecraft. Since you can replicate any other game on Minecraft, that would be the best.


Zalenfal Guardian
Uh. Either a Pokémon game or Minecraft.
Although if I choose Minecraft, there aren't gonna be many people left on the server due to all the people that don't choose Minecraft. So I choose Pokémon - gonna have to say Ruby. Was my favourite.
Hey Itzza, let's work together and catch them all! ;D