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My unban appeal. (black magic?)


Moderating the herps & derps
Locked no further post would change a thing sinds sally already decided on this


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Locked no further post would change a thing sinds sally already decided on this
Its not your position to lock this. Its still ongoing and Sally has offered him a 2 week ban. Awaiting his response.


Lord of Altera
Just to add my piece I didn't leave any uncovered diamonds intentionally as I spent a lot of time mining, and I thought it was ood I wasn't finding any.


Lord of Altera
This chunk lag thing is wierd.... I'm on a super sucky computer and i have almost no memory so i lag a lot but these chunk lags, i have not had them for longer that 3-7 (Thats not enough time to find loads of diamonds)seconds since 1.7 back before the server upgraded its memory or something. And when i get these lags i usually either fall through the hole or it disappears when i get close if it doesn't disappear. ( I was playing on like 1 fps last week and my memory was 32 megabytes and still i could not look at these holes long enough to find diamond and mine it)


Lord of Altera
There is in fact, a glitch where if you look through an ice-block while a chunk is loading, it acts a bit like an X-Ray mod. You end up seeing a BUNCH of caves, even if your fog is on max.


<3 Hollow World
Regardless using any sort of exploit to gain ores or anything else is just plain cheating, which is both selfish, self-defeating (where's the fun in that??) and hurts the HW community.


Lord of Altera
How many ores did he find? I know that you can see ore in unloaded chunks but being able to get to it from that split second of viewing is extemely rare.

If you mined only one group of ore then I would have to lean towards your story being true. Otherwise no.

Even if what you said is true, Kruziik is correct, it's selfish and defeats the purpose of the game to take advantage of a glitch.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I would just like to say something, before this is locked. When I had my internet box (Modem?) Next to my computer, it caused some sort of interference. I was able to join Hollowworld for a bit under a minute, and only the chunk I was in and a few I was standing around loaded. Therefore, I could look over the edge and see a cave, ores, diamonds, and I could jump down, get inside a cave and walk around the length of the cave that was loaded. Though this is now fixed, I was able to do it before.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I was able to take these screenshots after moving my modem next to my PC, wich causes interference and makes internet connection alot slower... I can't prove that, but this is what I was told caused my internet to be so slow.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Nah, this is what we talked about. Even with this, you can still only see diamonds that are on the edges of chunks. We check the positions of suspicious diamond locations too. As far as i know, they were not on the edges of chunks.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Alrighty, just wanting to prove that you can accidentaly see diamonds... But, you still have to choose to dig down and find them...


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
We already know that this could happen. Its very hard to find so many diamonds on the edges of chunks, and we check for that when we look.


King ForumStalker
For the sake of not spamming this ban appeal, may I suggest that nobody else posts unless:

  • They are an admin involved in the decision.
  • The banned player
  • Someone involved with the accused rulebreaking


Having the way i behaved rethought, may i reappeal? And if so, does it have to be made into a new thread?