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The Equilibrium

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Lord of Altera
I shall have the full might of Protaras ready for the true date when you announce it and don't think we will just defend, oh no we will retaliate hshot starting with the town you come from.;) So choose wisely before you go through with this, the innocent blood of your towns people will be spilt for your act against the innocent people of Protaras. (not all Protarians are bandits)
Done bandit trials or not, I'm in to help!*Reads Zane's post that wizards aren't helping*...Ahem....I mean...This is for family, right?


Lord of Altera
*sighs* When will you people get it... as long as there is swords and gold... there will be Bandits. You cannot stop the greed of the people and the strength of them. Hopefully, you'll change your mind and stop this nonsense... I'm sure you don't want to lose all your earnings in a pointless war...


Lord of Altera
Bandits will never fully be destroyed, but as it stands, there is almost nothing opposing them. This makes every other average joe want to be a bandit and get rich from the pain of others. We are trying to create a counter balance, so we can achieve a state of equilibrium. And there is no waste of money, it is realativly inexpensive and for a meaningful cause.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I'll even gain from it, seeing as how I'll enjoy torturing the bandits... Oh, and fellow anti-bandit... People. There's killing the bandit, and then there's a slow torturious death brought on by flame or insanity... Bit obvious which one would be worse, so I encourage taking prisoners.


The Watcher
*gleefully claps his hands and sails around the world plundering towns and other such unfortunate loactions with the rest of the pirates as everyone focuses on the bandits*

Oh the life of a pirate is a good one when everyone is to busy with each other to notice us lining our pockets with your lovely possessions!
Keep up the good work fighting each other and we'll be visiting you really soon.


The Watcher
Oh ho ho! Even better! You are aware sir that there are two pirate cities are you not? If not all the better! I shall take my band of pirates right to the mainlands then if you decide you want to fight the cutthroat pirates!

This has been a good day indeed!


Lord of Altera
*facepalm* I am not actually gonna start a war with the pirates as well, the bandits are the biggest problem and much less civalized.


The Watcher
Then sir your quest to bring balance to the world will always fail, because unless you can raise an army of people enough to challenge both bandits AND pirates there will always be more thieves than you can handle.

You have failed *tips his hat* Good day


Lord of Altera
Sorry, but I am just not that scared by pirates, I haven't had much trouble from you, so I don't think you are that big a trouble


The Watcher
Then you're obviously fairly new, we've been around a lot longer than the bandits and done things (that we view) far worse


Lord of Altera
I am not chalenging your standing, but I have been on the server a great deal and not once has a pirate troubled me (save now) It seems you are looking for a fight, I will be more than happy to duel you, but I can't wage two wars at once.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I advise against challenging him, Sir Shotwell. Having two wars is not a good idea... I've also never been bothered by pirates, been on the server for several months.


Lord of Altera
That's why I'm not challenging him. The pirates can brag it up if they want, but we are dealing with the real problem, bandits.


Bandit Overlord
*laughs in the shadows* Hey pirates shall we teach these do gooders a lesson they wont forget, our childrens children will be speaking of the day the bandits and the pirates forged an aliance to gain power over all the realms of Altera?


Lord of Altera
*laughs in the shadows* Hey pirates shall we teach these do gooders a lesson they wont forget, our childrens children will be speaking of the day the bandits and the pirates forged an aliance to gain power over all the realms of Altera?
They could also plunder Protaras, you know, that one city filled with bandits, that take valuable stuff from people...

I'm just saying...


Lord of Altera
Laugh now, for we have countless victories on the battlefield. Protrarians are scared, your time is coming to an end.


The Watcher
*laughs in the shadows* Hey pirates shall we teach these do gooders a lesson they wont forget, our childrens children will be speaking of the day the bandits and the pirates forged an aliance to gain power over all the realms of Altera?
One condition, if they have any ships, they belong to the pirates on plunder


Lord of Altera
*laughs in the shadows* Hey pirates shall we teach these do gooders a lesson they wont forget, our childrens children will be speaking of the day the bandits and the pirates forged an aliance to gain power over all the realms of Altera?
Pfft, You'd never succeed, They have Dwarves
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