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Common Roleplaying Diseases


Lord of Altera
godamoddafiliosis - A disease that affects the minds of rpers and causes them to make them better than others and god mod. (god-a-mod-a-fill-ee-osis)


Lord of Altera
godamoddafiliosis - A disease that affects the minds of rpers and causes them to make them better than others and god mod. (god-a-mod-a-fill-ee-osis)
That... sounds kinda stupid, but that's just me. I don't know why someone would make a character that is practically in god mode, or god mod.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
the worst and most common that I have encountered is not so much a disease as it is a disorder. Amnesia...
I dont have to write a decent backstory because my character has amnesia. all he knows is that he is awesome, combat ready, good with the ladies, capable of playing professional football but doesn't because it is boring and he has an awesome facial scar.


Lord of Altera
People just can't come up with stuff to impress others, which is not the objective. Hopefully as we wright more and more we start to realize our mistakes and we don't fix them instead we don't repeat them.

But there is no harm in telling newbies what mistakes not to do! Don't tell them what to do...


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
My second character had Orphantitis, my third one had Godamoddafiliosis... My current one has dead parents, but they didn't die a tragic horrible death that he only survived by hiding under his bed....


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Then there's theiveritis, in which the infected players feel the need to invade, take over or steal somebody else's RP.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Like when a lot of people are trying to carry out a serious, major or important RP event, and some idiot walks in and starts changing the subject, trying to change the RP to revolve around them (e.g whilst a group of people are engaged in conversation, somebody walks in and starts boasting, showing off, or just generally attention seeking.)


Lord of Altera
Like when a lot of people are trying to carry out a serious, major or important RP event, and some idiot walks in and starts changing the subject, trying to change the RP to revolve around them (e.g whilst a group of people are engaged in conversation, somebody walks in and starts boasting, showing off, or just generally attention seeking.)
But, but, buuuuut I was a druuuuunk ._.


King ForumStalker
I approve of this thread, most of these posts and the burning of the infected wretchs.
