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The saga of Cudgelquakes


I think I might like it here
Placeholder for updates from the Hollowworld bloodline game.

The Glorious History of Asteshushrir
Year 551 (arcosanti): A quiet year with only minor mishaps. Initial infrastructure put in place.
Year 552 (ikbenlars): <current year>

Current players and turn order:
  1. arcosanti (year 551)
  2. ikbenlars (year 552)
  3. wanderin_robin (year 553)
  4. jakp25 (pass due to RL)
  5. Evic (active turn)
  6. roopot
  7. Blargtheawesome
  8. cherbert
Current fortress save file: Year 553
Current fortress map: Year 552


I think I might like it here
Arcosanti's journal
Date unknown

So thar we woz, sittin' aboot an' drinkin' ale. 'Coz 'at's wot we do. An' the word goes oot - th' king 'as called fer a new Fortress an' 'e needs soom strappin' yoong volunteers. I says to meself: "Things aroond here been a bit stodgy lately, wot with all th' new restrictions oon minin'. I may joost sign meself oop fer an expedition. Wot could possibly goo wrong?"

Loong story short, we get a bit of a map pointin' th' way to 'The Respectful Steppes'. Way bloody far away to th' sout'east. A bit of a hike, aye, boot th' opportunity looks like a good woon. A chance to start fresh an' all that. Looks like it be a wee bit nippy 'at far sooth. I reckon th' next step will be to get soom provisions fer meself an' th' six oother volunteers.

I reckon 'at should be enoough booze fer a month or two. Noothin' like a nice bit of honey badger with a spot of ale, lad. We be travellin' light!

<months pass as the expeditions heads to the southeast>

Granite 1, 551

Bloody. Damn. Freezin'. Joost look at all this bleedin' snoo! Lads, this cannae be the right spot. Lads?

Well paint me silver an' melt me doon, Ah moost ha'e doon died an' gone to a better place. Startin' a new Fortress wit' six of th' finest dwarven lasses ye ever did see? In these freezin' lands? Bundlin' together t' keep warm seems like th' best plan, eh? Right, let's 'ave a look aboot.

Armok's festering gob... HEAVE TO, LASSES! DIG IN! We'll unload th' wagon, boot don' waste nae time!

I'm going to use the quote function for OOC commentary. I'd forgotten how long it takes to generate a world, iron out all the little kinks with the client on a Mac, and actually embark. This took me the better part of my free time over the weekend, but I'll have the highlights from the first half of year one here shortly. When looking for a dwarf from the initial seven, I had to laugh when I discovered that all but one were female dwarves. It's so hard to tell under those beards sometimes.


Magus of Nothing
Huzzah tis started! I can't wait to feast on all those nice dwarven ladies.


I love it, I was planning on doing this in a similar style :) Take your time mate, quality over quantity.


I think I might like it here
24 Granite 551

We been keepin' a sharp eye, boot fortunately they never ga' close enoof ta scent oos. We ha'e ta take the spot nearest th' wagon as a startin' point wit' those dingos sniffin' aboot to the north. Given th' choice between chalk, slate, an' clay - an 'onest dwarf'll take the strongest woon. So we doog in t' tha east.

We ha'e spent th' last three weeks diggin' in an' settin' oop th' trade depot. Got th' booze safely off th' wagons first, an' everythin' else come second. A dwarf 'as to 'ave 'is priorities straight, eh? The lakes to the sou'east finally thawed today, boot the river still be frozen o'er.

19 Slate 551

We been carvin' oot space for th' essentials: a proper dining 'all to fill wit' valiant dwarves, a kitchen wot fer makin' booze, and soom farms. Wit' sooch a short growin' season in these chilly parts, I reckon we'll need th' food soon. Who am I foolin'? Fresh crops means I can start brewin' a fresh batch o' booze. An' of all bleedin' things, I made m'self a noo frien' today.

Yer joost as cute as a fresh vein of copper, aren't ye? I ha'e privately named th' little rascal "Mr. Fuzzybum". Of course th' little bleeder promply brought me nine dead rats as a sign oov either affection or total disdain. At least 'e's doin' 'is joob a keepin' th' place free o' vermin. Boot tha' reminds me - we need a safe place fer dumpin' waste, so I ha'e taken th' liberty oov sealin' oof a large area topside froom th' farms fer refuse.

13 Felsite 551

Keepin' th' wagon yaks undergroond 'as taken a tool on th' poor beggars - they be starvin' t' death. Boot honestly? I wooz done wit' 'em as soon as we dismantled th' wagon. Ploos, I ha'e always wondered wot yak tastes like. So we put 'em oop on th' choppin' block. Bam!

Weren't even a breedin' pair. Bloody useless, but good eatin'. Althoo, I'm startin' ta get me an idea as to why th' good king ha' sent oos 'ere...

Bloody place is absolutely rotten wit' gemstoons. Last thing I thought we'd need on this trip is a flippin' jeweler.I guess we'll joost pack 'em in crates fer now until we can give 'em a proper treatment. It's a bit thin on th' cassiterite, soo bronze might be 'ard to coom by, boot plenty o' tetrahedrite to goo around. "Copper be better than noofin'" me Da always said.

ps - I joost noticed the river ha'e thawed oot. Probably been flowin' fer a while an' we been so busy I missed it. I should start keepin' an eye on wot sort of wildlife we've got in th' area...don' want any surprises now. I'll ha'e ta take me a few 'nature walks' in th' next few weeks and 'ave meself a looksee.

10 Malachite 551

We've doog out rooms fer ourselves an' furnished 'em proper. We may be a wee little fortlet, boot 'at's noo reason to live like savages. I been keepin' me a "nature journal" of late. All of th' animals ha'e been 'armless since the giant dingoo sightin', an' we ha'en't seen woon o' them since Granite. Flocks o' ravens all o'er th' place, possums roonin' aboot, nothin' th' least bit terrifyin'.

I joost 'ad to open me filthy mouth on that woon, din' I? Bugger all. I'm goon back doon below afore I get meself joomped by another bloody badger.

11 Malachite 551

Woon o' th' lasses woke me up today wit' th' news. Got soom migrants coomin' over from th' east. Smack my gob an' call me Punchy - we ha'en't been here even 'alf a year an' already we goot some newcomers? Of th' six, Olon appears to be a firecracker oov a stonecarver. As it's gettin' late in th' season, I've sent 'im to work doon below in the shops bangin' out trinkets for th' caravan in th' fall. I'm nae goin' throo another winter wit'ou' an anvil an' I aim sure ta swap for woon come fall. Boot ta be fair, we can use th' extra 'ands aroond 'ere wot wit' luggin' stoof back an' fort' aroond th' fortress. Welcome to Cudgelquakes, lads - where th' population is noo a lucky 13.

Which reminds me...that weird ol' tower that we passed on th' way 'ere gave me the squirrely creeps an' we're as 'elpless as the last cask of ale in a thirsty fortress. I reckon it best ta spend th' rest of the moonth settin' oop a few modest defenses.


Which reminds me...that weird ol' tower that we passed on th' way 'ere gave me the squirrely creeps an' we're as 'elpless as the last cask of ale in a thirsty fortress. I reckon it best ta spend th' rest of the moonth settin' oop a few modest
You put us next to a necromancer's tower?


I think I might like it here
5 Limestone 551
Everywoon is still settlin' in nicely. I can 'ear th' sounds of industry doon below and it warms me flinty little 'eart it doos. I reckon ta celebrate with a tasty spot of cave loobstah later this evenin' when I...

I'm beginnin' ta think I like it better when th' local animals coom at ye ta try an' gnaw on yer 'ead. At least tha' would mean th' decency of 'avin' a stand-oop fight instead oov this sort o' trickery. I guess I'll grab a nice, cold ploomp 'elmet. Again. Let me at least take a look an' see wot ol' Olon 'as been oop ta down in tha shoops.

Um. Olon? Lad? Is there soomthin' ye nae be tellin oos aboot these 'ere lands? Ye seem ta knoo a bit more aboot th' area than th' rest of oos.

11 Limestone 551
Cudgelquakes 'as groon again! Four more dwarves ha'e joined oos today, bringin' Cudgelquakes to a proud 17 beards. I promptly smacked 'em on th' pate and got 'em ta work doon below. Ha!

9 Timber 551
Dwarven crafts! Get yer fine dwarven crafts! Cudgelquakes be open fer trade, me boyos! I reckon it be gettin' late in th' season fer a caravan. I'd best get toopside an' make sure noothin' be amiss.

Everythin' seems ta check oot - time for a spot of rum! I'll joost... 'old on 'ere. I think I foond th' problem. We need ta be rippin' these Betties oot! Posthaste! All hands, lads! Clear th' entrance afore it be too late!

Traps now block caravan wagons?! SON OF A BISCUIT! :eek:

27 Timber 551
Gettin' awful bloody coold up top. I hoop th' lads didn't decide that Cudgelquake wos unreachable and decide pass oos by. We'll be oop a magma flow wit'oot obsidian knickers if we cannae...'old on joost a loam-diggin' minute. Glory be! Over 'ere, lads! We're bloody well thrilled ta see ye! Zas! Zas, lass! We need yer keen eye at th' depot!

Och, fine. I know ye be a bit nervoos, it bein' yer first time hagglin'. A spot of booze 'elps ta take the edge...

I knoo, lass. All th' excitement can wear a body oot. Ye joost take yer time an' when ye be ready, ye can...

Right. Ye mind tellin' me 'ow I can get that joob? That's a nice set of perks ye goot there, lass.

9 Moonstone 551
Zas finally gets 'erself aroond ta dealin' wit' our fine mercantile brothers and we come oot well ta th' good. Olon's work nets oos a mess of essentials: meats, booze, cloth, leather, an' not one boot two fine anvils. We be well stocked fer th' long winter moonths. I be sure ta put in an order fer more 'oney badger. That be soom fine eatin'.

25 Obsidian 551
Th' last moonths of winter are quiet as. In th' absence of distraction oov th' terrible an' deadly type, we've managed ta install a toonel ta th' river as a feeder ta the cistern. Soomwoon will 'ave ta pop the control lever when she thaws again. We ha'e also slapped in two drawbridges fer defense - both th' depot area an' th' lower levels can be sealed oof independently. Although - we 'ad a bit of an accident durin' th' final testin' phase:

A council was promptly called ta deal wit' th' situation, an' it wos decided tha' there wos only woon real course of action:

Hencforth - the 25th of Obsidian shall be known as 'Chickenmas' in Cudgelquakes- wherein a chicken shall be added to our glorious stockpile of foodstuffs! Our first year 'ere 'as goon quietly an' smoothly. I best be gettin' oop ta th' stills and brew oos oop a fine batch of 'oliday room. Let me get me 'ands dirty wit' honest work again an' leave th' roonin' of the fortress ta soomwoon better qualified.

You put us next to a necromancer's tower?
Well....I wouldn't say "next to". More like...."nearby". Or, um, "in the vicinity of". The last time I fired up DF, necromancer towers hadn't been implemented, so I had no idea of the implications. We may have some good old-fashioned DF-style fun ahead of us. :eek:

I'm wrapping up the save file now, and I've added the current state of the fortress to the Dwarf Fortress Map Archive if folks want to poke about. I'm a big fan of using the z-axis, but that can make things a little byzantine for next person in line.

EDIT: I've uploaded the save file, so she's all yours Lars. It should just need to be slapped into the data/save folder and then unzipped.


Thanks for all this, I shall have great joy destroying the fort,
getting the fort to run properly,
getting the fortress into much fun.


1st Granite, 552
ae'rite 'es time ae properly introdaceded meselves, ma name's Tholtig 'Lars' Matmeng an ae came inta dis hole with the prevous migrant wave on Limestone the 27th in the year 551:

'eres a picture of me an' mae trusty pet cavy boar ae named ems 'Dodok Melbilelis' mind ye its a picture of me bad side oh an also don' mind Dodok looks a bit like a rabbit ae'm thinken maybe 'es haven an indententy cryses

If yer wanten ta learn about me yer got ta read mae character description thems made fer me over in them Roughness of Burning:

Dodok's looken a bit thick round 'es waist an ae've seen the butcher Olon look at em funny a few times

ae'rite wen ae came ta this hole from the mountinghomes ae was prominsed internal riches an' ale but ae've got stuck in dis poor excuse fer a fort instead. Les' start with aer expedition leader:

'ems taken all the jobs fer emselves! good fer nothen fat little noble wanten ta keep all them jobs fer emself eh? ye see ae'm actuallies a legendary cheesemaker so if ae'm getten me 'ands round some good properly aged dwarven cheese ae might be able ta sneak in some poison ta 'ave em seemenly drop dead out of natural causes an' meselves could take over these positions fer em.

aerite ae might be a bit rusty but ae'm no novice ae swear.. its err... 'coz aemme so rusty yer see.. ain't been maken cheese since ae left the mountainsinghomes an' dis place not 'aven anythen ta milk. Dodoks not given any milk either, ae tried. might be because 'es a male ae'm not sure.

so ae'm left without a proper job though they been tryen ta get me ta cut gems an ae can tell ye 'es not been going very well, thems not even built me a workshop yet !!

ae'm taken over scribe duties writen aer history from aer brewer an' mechanic but ae'm wonderen what 'es been doin all day coz only time ae see 'em is when 'es cursen 'bout barrels, brews, losin' items, blockades an' cages ae'm not sure what 'ems been doin' all day.



... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Goody! I was wondering when Lars was going to post... I'm not really sure what happened, though, because of his accent... No matter! Thankee Sir Lars for posting.


Goody! I was wondering when Lars was going to post... I'm not really sure what happened, though, because of his accent... No matter! Thankee Sir Lars for posting.
Nothing happened yet, this was only the introduction.


Aeraet es time ae git ta work. First ae need ta take control of this fortress an' git it running mae way. To do this ae took aer only cat an' put et on the expedition leader's favorite chair in 'es office.

bein' a legendary cheese-maker an' all ae put some fortress-aged cheese ae brought from the mountainhomes under 'es chair an then ae called 'em over and told em what ae found. The lad threw a fit an' started beaten up the cat. Apparently the cat was Zan 'arcosanti' Athelsanad's pet so ae called 'em over as well an he gathered up the other dwarves an' restrained aer expedition leader.

they is letten me be their expedition leader fer saven' the cats life an ae ofcourse gladly took up the role. Ae also took on 'es other duties so now ae'm the fortress' Expedition Leader, Manager, Chief Medical Dwarf, Broker oh an' ae also fired Kosothluzat as bookkeeper fer not liken me cheese last week so ae'm now that as well. See'en as there was no Sheriff or Hammerer yet ae sacrificed meself ta also be those. Ae'm still looken fer a militia captain though ae might end up doing that meself too.

As mae first duty as supreme and sovereign leader of these dwarves ae thought it proper ta protect them from the vile and murderous old expedition leader Zas Nokimetas. Ye know, ae was suspicious from the start when ae saw them depart from the mountainhomes with her as the only female. In any case ae stuck 'em inside 'es own room an' locked the doors. Fer sustenance ae gave 'em all the cheese we 'ad in the fortress, it was mae craftsmanship so ae'm sure 'e will appreciate et.

aerite now 'es time ta look 'round the fortress.

a drawbridge is always good ta 'ave an' them merchants can still come an' trade with us. we can even lock them elves in an 'ave em go crazy on eachother, ha!

ah traps are good fer if they breach aer defenses, though this all seems like a long walk to the surface if ae'm wanten ta get some wood.

by mae beard so much walken ! ae'd die of ale deprevation before reaching the trade depot when showing them merchant aer wares. ah well, the kitche an' stills look intact, though ae'm not sure if the dining hall will allow fer much expansion in the future without breaking the pattern. oh an theres three levers that ae don't know what they'll do, ae'm gonna ta have so much fun pulling them !

aerite les 'ave a look at the dwarves in this fortress, see what use thems are fer me:

oi das bloody confusen fer me ae canne make 'eads or tails outta them no wonder theys idling this much! aem needen ta do some organisen

aeraete das bee'en much better aye? now ae'm needen some quarters

This room will do, ae'lll take it all. Now les' find some gold or gems ta decorate et with!


I think I might like it here
Ahhhh, the old "cheese-under-the-chair" ploy, classic! Although given the scope of the changeover I'm starting to wonder if this is less of a change in leadership and more of a coup de Lars.....

by mae beard so much walken ! ae'd die of ale deprevation before reaching the trade depot when showing them merchant aer wares. ah well, the kitche an' stills look intact, though ae'm not sure if the dining hall will allow fer much expansion in the future without breaking the pattern. oh an theres three levers that ae don't know what they'll do, ae'm gonna ta have so much fun pulling them !
Use 'N' to bring up the notes interface - there should be clear labels as to which lever does what. I took the lessons of Boatmurdered to heart. ;)

And oh my goodness Dwarf Therapist. How I ever survived without it?!


Ahhhh, the old "cheese-under-the-chair" ploy, classic! Although given the scope of the changeover I'm starting to wonder if this is less of a change in leadership and more of a coup de Lars.....
Don't worry events might change for the worse for me... :p

Use 'N' to bring up the notes interface - there should be clear labels as to which lever does what. I took the lessons of Boatmurdered to heart. ;)
Theres something I never knew about ! Thanks for that, will make my fortress contraptions easier to manage.

And oh my goodness Dwarf Therapist. How I ever survived without it?!
You never knew about it before?


Admin au Naturale
at least the fortress will be all nice and organised by the time it gets to me and I wont have to bother about any of it :D