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New Race Proposal - Corrupted Touched "Redlings"


I think I might like it here
This is just some fun to try and make a balanced race out of one of my favorite races in DnD. Im also bored.



The Redlings are a race of corrupted touched individuals. Noted for their red skin, jet black hair, and horns, Redlings are often persecuted for being demons. Redlings stand at average human height and wear hoods often to hide their appearance.


  • Natural Fire Affinity: Most Redlings work well as Blacksmiths where they can manipulate hot objects as they please.
  • Excellent Entertainers: While persecuted by their fellow man, Redlings are more than welcome during festivals where they preform. Redlings are known for their musical and dancing talent.
  • Hunted: Redlings are often not welcome in regular society.
  • Natural Cold Aversion: Most Redlings would never settledown in a snow biome preferring warm jungles and swamps over cold snow and ice.
  • Natural Plant Aversion: Most Redlings are actually very bad with plants.
In their homelands, the Redlings were a people of Culture. Holding the arts above all else Redlings were a people in their Renaissance. They lived in houses of carved marble and surrounded their cities with museums, galleries and forums of the performing arts. Some would say they were enlightened and advanced as they were one of the first races before the Exodus to pioneer medicine. They had advanced governments of viceroys and chancellors, their youth attended schools and studied under masters. The Redlings were a happy prosperous people. Then the corruption came. Much like the other races of Altera they were shepherded through the portal into Altera where things were much different then the homes they left behind.​
Their skin, which is a red hue, earned them the name Redlings to the more common races and they were often shunned or rejected from general society. After an altercation between a Redling and Human the more peaceful Redlings were rounded up into a Containment camp by the priests of Korigon. They claimed their lineage was of that of Kilrox and that the people of Altera were better off with them in captivity. The first Redlings born in Altera were birthed in the containment camps where the Redlings were kept. However over time the walls of the containment area weren't enough to hold back the growing Redling populations and with the Alterean people no longer interested in the "Spawn of Kilrox" soon caravans of Redlings were making their way across Altera.​
Choosing to settle down in the swamps of Ilois, south of Daggerfall, the Redlings communities were well noted for their fish and fine crafting material. Having lost much of their higher knowledge and lifestyle from back in their home country, Redlings still have the music. They tell the tales of their old home, grand architectural feats, beautiful works of art and marvellous plays that will never be seen again. The new Redlings of Altera were still very intelligent and artistic, however, trying to rebuild society in a swamp proved to be more taxing then they realized and most of the artistic value of the Redlings of the swamp city of Ispann was lost. Instead what grew was the reassertion of medicine and goverment. Redlings of Ispann are noted physicians and medicine men. Their herbal remedies are traded through out Altera. Meanwhile their government was he most advanced in Altera with a High Chancellor and his council being elected officials who would make decisions for the city.​
And yet other Redlings set out in caravans of 3 or more families, making money and trading between towns with their Gypsy-esque sideshows and artistic wares. Today Redling caravans stretch across Altera from the warm luscious Portaras to as far north as Witches Brew. Their However, despite how far they spread and how common Redlings are, they are still met with fear and sometimes hostility from the more common races. The roaming Redlings have lost their greater knowledge of medicine and government and in it's stead have held on firmly to the Redling's rich heritage of music and arts. Some human men have claimed that they have fallen under a spell after watching a female Redling's dancing, and the music of a Redling caravan coming into town never fails to brighten attitudes. However, the Redling Caravans have no real ruling body and as such there have been known to be thieves and rogues among them. THis of course only hurts Redling relations with other races.​
The Redlings remain two very different cultures to this day. Separated by a misunderstanding of their own heritage. If ever one day the controlled knowledgable Redlings were to ever merge again with the free spirited artistic Redlings, then it's possible that they would once again reach the level of power they once had in their home lands. However, that still remains to be seem.​
Last notes:
  • The city of Ispann would be a task I would like to take on in the future with or without Redlings.
  • The name "Redling" is actually a placeholder, I just figure using the name Tiefling is a little on the nose. If you have a better name, please suggest it.
  • Ispann Redling Culture is a lot like Ancient Greek or Roman Culture.
  • Caravan Redling culture is a lot like Gypsy culture. Music, dancing, and the keeping of livestock rather than growing food is common in Redling caravans.
  • While most Redlings live peacefully a lot do become rogues.
Thanks for reading, what do you think?


I think I might like it here
So considering the Corrupted touch, if someone of a different race is with a redling, i understand they wont turn into one, but will their offspring be corrupted? Id imagine it would be the prodominant gene? Otherwise i do really like it. The name is a little iffy, but i have no suggestions right now.. Although i do see something as simple as "Redlings" being a suitable enough name for the race :)

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Well its lacking everywhere :( i can't really make a judgement until its had more thought put into it, it seems like you just have the general concept and ideas thought out but not most of the lore or other things.

Btw there is already a race, well not really a race, a group of people who have been infected by corruption, check it out in the lore ok?


Lord of Altera
Seems an excellent start!
I'd like to see their culture better explained, though.
As well as their origins..
Other than that, they seem a very interesting and welcomed race!


I think I might like it here
Well its lacking everywhere :( i can't really make a judgement until its had more thought put into it, it seems like you just have the general concept and ideas thought out but not most of the lore or other things.

Btw there is already a race, well not really a race, a group of people who have been infected by corruption, check it out in the lore ok?

Of course I understand, I'll do my best.

and there is an infected race already? With all the Lore revamps it's hard to tell what's canon and what's not, I'll have to go through again.

So what do think I should change it too if corrupted is already taken? Should it be that Redlings always existed and moved into Altera with the other races during the exodus?


Redlings, tbh look a bit hostile and a bit of a copy of greylings in the name, naturally hostile races are not very popular.


I think I might like it here
So considering the Corrupted touch, if someone of a different race is with a redling, i understand they wont turn into one, but will their offspring be corrupted? Id imagine it would be the prodominant gene? Otherwise i do really like it. The name is a little iffy, but i have no suggestions right now.. Although i do see something as simple as "Redlings" being a suitable enough name for the race :)
Yes that's exactly it! Elf, human, drawf, it didn't matter, if one parent was a Redling than the child was a Redling.

They don't seem hostile, just misunderstood :/
Precisely ^^


Thats just a bad excuse to be hostile, misunderstood? Really? If they were to migrate into society they wouldnt do so by being "misunderstood"


Lord of Altera
Well, these do seem a good peoples to add diversity to the polulation of alters, and as it seems you do have a good mind for writing lore, you've my support in getting this approved!
Just be sure to add a tiny bit more to their culture, as of the moment, all I was able to gather was that they're nomadic and carismic >.<


Lord of Altera
Thats just a bad excuse to be hostile, misunderstood? Really? If they were to migrate into society they would do so by being "misunderstood"
You don't understand, these people are just another race, no more evil or good as the last. People simply look at their blood red skin and assume the worst, when really they can be any person they wish. Be it kind hearted, or more sadistic..
It all depends on which redling you're observing :p


I think I might like it here
Thats just a bad excuse to be hostile, misunderstood? Really? If they were to migrate into society they wouldnt do so by being "misunderstood"
They're not hostile, but your reaction is exactly why they're misunderstood. Its other races that treat them poorly because of their appearance. For the most part their bards and gypsies. Point me to the place in the application where I said they're hostile and hate other races?


I cant imagine anyone being good if they have been touched by corruption. Were you around for the corruption RP? It just turned people evil


Lord of Altera
I cant imagine anyone being good if they have been touched by corruption. Were you around for the corruption RP? It just turned people evil
Perhaps it had an adverse effect on a minuscule population which grew!
Magic is strange in it's ways :p


I think I might like it here
I cant imagine anyone being good if they have been touched by corruption. Were you around for the corruption RP? It just turned people evil
maybe they were once fairy people and they had been corrupted by a demonic race, but the goodness in their hearts purified the darkness, however it had already spread to their appearance and hence being shunned by their "old race" they went off and started in their new lands. something like the blood elves from WoW :D