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The Fira that went wrong


King of Quests
I always thought it was wierd that they didn't worship, I mean they could clearly see magic and dragons and stuff there, so why completely rule out a god :p


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Yes but there is proof of magic and dragons and none of Gods.


King of Quests
Yeah but since they're taking a scientific approach, and seeing that other mythical things exist, then they shouldnt entirely rule out gods surely :p


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
They are open to anything. As long as you can prove it. :rolleyes:


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Gah! I missed a reference to my favorite book. Mayhap, you are similiar to the Eragon Elves. Most Alterans Elves believe in some deity.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Doriothon - A story that needs to be told

Doriothon was a snowy forest sanctuary of the North that was home to Kuthian that is now burned to the ground and is the Stronghold of Xeroth's undead army which he hopes to use to crush Altera and the regions beyond...

Now we will visit the past of this once beautiful place...

Doriothon was home to many Elves that were ruled by Kuthian's father Aelborn and his mother Talawen for many thousands of years the Kingdom of Doriothon flourished with many powerful Magi. Each year the forest trees grew higher and higher until at last the Gift of Life was bestowed upon Talawen when she gave birth to her first son Xeroth. Much joy was to be seen that day and for weeks to come. Xeroth much like Kuthian is gifted highly in Magic and soon is was apparent to all. Then some years later Kuthian was born and Xeroth's stage was taken from him and all paid more attention to Kuthian than he, the rightful heir to the throne. It was then that Xeroth began to mix with the wrong people, this is where he learned the art of Necromancy. Years after a plague swept Doriothon killing thousands, this plague was created by Xeroth's mistress (More to come soon) it was then that she begun to turn Xeroth making him spiteful and too put it blunt Pure Evil. This is when Xeroth stormed the Citadel of his Father and in doing this killing him and taking his rightful place as Forest Lord

Back to the present now...

Kuthian often wonders about what happened that day in Doriothon and if the Fire was his fault for he has a idea that the masked man who gace him the staff was his Elder brother Xeroth. One day Kuthian will rebuild Doriothon right here in Altera this however is another story that is yet to be told....

The road to the Citadel



Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
The Final Chapter

So much has gone on in my life since I last wrote here, I have joined the town known as Del and am now part of House Hawklight. I have met many interesting people as well, Faelin, Akari, Jack, Ixian and many more that if I made a list then I would fill the rest of the book.

My control over Magic has grown, including my Fire magic which I am now an Elemental of. Many more things have happened as well that cannot be wrote here lest the Slayers find this book.

This may be The Final Chapter of this story, it may not, it all depends on the Road that has been laid before me by Fate.

-Kuthian Hawklight


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Delphi The Oracle (My new Character)

Name: Delphi The Oracle

Nickname/Alias: Delphi

Age: 88

Gender: Female

Race: Snow Elf, Water Elemental

Height: 4.7.

Weight: 4 stone

Hair: Brown Hair

Eyes: Green

Skin: Light Brown

Identifying Marks: None

Appearance: A Elven child that wears a White and Orange dress with Brown hair and dazzling Green eyes

Strengths: The Spirit of the Oracle defends her making her hard to kill, or even harm

Weaknesses and fears: Very frail and not very strong

Religion and cults: Harateth

Profession: Oracle, Alchemist

Backstory: Delphi sprinted through the burning remains of Doriothon, being chased by hordes of the Undead, looking for the Portal that Talwen had set up for her so she may follow her father into Altera. She turned around to see at least 1o0 Skeletons chasing her, making that awful clicking noise they make, she cursed Xeroth under her breath for killing Aelborn and making himself Forest Lord.

She continued to run blindly hoping to find the Portal, knowing that once on the other side she would be safe. Delphi had no idea where Talwen and Kodlak were, last she had seen they were fighting off the Force of Naught that Xeroth had brought with him to lay Ruin to her once beautiful Forest.

Suddenly a Tree root caught her foot and she went sprawling to the ground and at this point she knew this is where she would die. Then out of the Mist Kodlak bounded up above her and growled at the oncoming Horde. He spoke to Delphi in her mind "Go! the Portal is not far! Talwen has fallen and this is where I shall make my Final Stand! Go Child Go!" Delphi stood up and ran in the direction Kodlak had approached from, Then she Saw it before her, the Portal, she stopped before it only to hear the anguished Cry of Kodlak as he fell to the Ground, motionless, the Horde was almost upon her.

Taking no backward glance she breathed in a final lungful of Doriothon before stepping into the Portal, entering the land of Altera.

