Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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savagecamo's Application [Declined - Sally]

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1. What is your minecraft username?

savagecamo (Not capitalized in game)

2. How old are you?

13 years of age.

3. What gender are you?


4. What country do you live in?

United States of ‘Merika.

5a. Do you agree to read ourSurvival Guide before logging onto the server?


5b. Do you agree to consult both ourTome of Citizenship andEverything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game?

Indeed I do.

6.Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction.

To whom it may concern:
I ask not for riches, for peace, for comfort. Only for a new land which I may call home.
I’ve been assigned a contract, a fellow member of the leigon has left our ranks without the consent of the council, and they believe him to be within the borders of your kingdom.
For months now, I’ve planned an assassination, a perfect and simple plan.
But since then, I’ve learned the name of my target.
Makev. Fellow Nakam and old friend. I’ve not questioned many decisions by the council before, but this was the one to break any promise I’ve made to them.
As I said before, I am not looking for a peacful land of bounty and treasure.
I simply wish nothing more than to find the only other person in this world that I consider family.
Sincerely - Zaemal Ja.

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies are and why you would like to be a part of our community in around 8 sentences or more. You do not have to disclose any personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.

Hello Altera! I’m Cameron, Zaemal’s player. Let’s see, who am I..Well, I can tell you that I do enjoy a good joke or two, and most of my friends see me as the highlight of a good day. Just a few days ago, actually, my friend told me of the server, and I’ve been working on my story writing ever since.
As far as hobbies go, I do enjoy writing, not so much reading, though.
I’ve also loved my share of RP games, many by Bethesda works, of course.
Fallout 3, New vegas, Skyrim, that sort of thing.
I also highly enjoy FPS games, But who doesn’t these days?
Anyways, I sincerely hope you accept my application into hollow world, I’d love to continue fleshing out Zaemal and working alongside such a gathering of talented minecrafters!

8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.

Unfortunately, no..

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?

Not as of this moment!

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?

I do, and respectfully adhere to the promise to never use such mods or texturepacks.

11. How did you find out about our server?

As i stated in question seven, My friend has been on your server for a few weeks now, and I believe his brother told him of hollowworld at first..

12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here)

I haven’t yet, but I’ll be sure to!


Lord of Altera
Hey! Cameron! you made it!
Seems like you've got a good application so far, Might need to make question 6 and 7 a tiiny bit longer, but other than that, seems nearly flawless :D
Can't wait for you to join the slowly growing Nakam ranks! ^w^
Best of luck to ya in getting accepted!


Lord of Altera
Also, if you're one of the Nakam, you'll have to change your RP character. They're allowed, but they're not allowed to add more people to their race. You'll have to check out the races of Altera to see what's allowed and what's not. Sorry.


Lord of Altera
Also, if you're one of the Nakam, you'll have to change your RP character. They're allowed, but they're not allowed to add more people to their race. You'll have to check out the races of Altera to see what's allowed and what's not. Sorry.
Just curious, he's actually been creating his character for about a week now, just hasn't posted it until today.
I even wrote him down as a "Nakam known in altera" on the Nakam thread, which has been locked since..friday, i believe.
Does that still make him a "Newcomer"?

I mean absolutely no disrespect, and completely understand any decision you could make on such a situation ^_^


The Watcher
It does still still make him a newcomer I'm afraid to say, the reason we decided to lock out new races is not because they are in most ways bad, it's just we have a lot on our plates at the moment in time and having to write in more races and links to said races is to much.


Lord of Altera
It does still still make him a newcomer I'm afraid to say, the reason we decided to lock out new races is not because they are in most ways bad, it's just we have a lot on our plates at the moment in time and having to write in more races and links to said races is to much.
I completely understand this, the last thing I'd want is to overflow the Lore writers' plates with so much.
Know I will re-purpose the Nakam once the proper situation arises, though.

But my question is that his name is on a locked thread that I would've no way of changing, and does state him as being Nakam >.<
See the last paragraph and you'll see his name, savagecamo, and his RP name, Zaemal Ja.
Must he still, then, change his RP character?


The Watcher
I completely understand this, the last thing I'd want is to overflow the Lore writers' plates with so much.
Know I will re-purpose the Nakam once the proper situation arises, though.

But my question is that his name is on a locked thread that I would've no way of changing, and does state him as being Nakam >.<
See the last paragraph and you'll see his name, savagecamo, and his RP name, Zaemal Ja.
Must he still, then, change his RP character?
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