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The Golden Crusade

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Lord of Altera
And if you murder the murderers doesn´t that make you a murderer?
not necessary because by vanquishing murderers we are the saviors of their next victims.

No Queen Grief is a huge part of the servers lore and backstory both in the old and newly written, when the portal closes there probably won't be as many attacks but she will always be trying to escape the void and spread her corruption which would trigger another exodus. So Queen Grief will always exsist unless something has changed massively all of a sudden.
Exactly, and we intend to bring to fight to the very doors of her demonic strongholds.

All right "Smart ass" go re read this thread you were the first to mention effort NOT me
Calm down guys, no need to fight for that.

Threaten Harateth? And how would one do that? All im going to say is, you have no chance against Protaras. And the cult of Kilrox wont allow attack unless you make it good RP, come in waving your swords about and you'll end up in a lava bath. And as for the other bits, are you trying to be the police?
Don't worry spark, everything will be fun and RP for everyone. And when someone threatens an innocent, it threatens the very way Harateth is meant to be, it destroys justice.

message to everyone: I intend to maybe soon write the Golden Crusade's history, will maybe do it in a separate thread.


Loyal Servant of Altera
No Queen Grief is a huge part of the servers lore and backstory both in the old and newly written, when the portal closes there probably won't be as many attacks but she will always be trying to escape the void and spread her corruption which would trigger another exodus. So Queen Grief will always exsist unless something has changed massively all of a sudden.
Queen grief is set to make another appearance. In the thread "Altera: The Exodus" they discuss the phases of the exodus. We are currently in phase 5: Moving over of towns, then comes the closing of the gate, Game of Crowns and then finally Phase 8 where Queen Grief escapes from the Hollowworld.


Hollows Explorer
not necessary because by vanquishing murderers we are the saviors of their next victims.
But it can also work the other way, for example: If a murderer kills a holy crusader he is the saviour of your next victim (who is maybe a murderer or a thief).


Lord of Altera
Threaten Harateth? And how would one do that? All im going to say is, you have no chance against Protaras. And the cult of Kilrox wont allow attack unless you make it good RP, come in waving your swords about and you'll end up in a lava bath. And as for the other bits, are you trying to be the police?
Is there a police yet?


Lord of Altera
Soooo.... are you going to set up a base for this organisation, that we can burn down?
That would be really appreciated.
Cheers! ~Cult of Kilrox


I think I might like it here
Any way... Enough bashing this,Realy are you all just 6? Let him determine if it will fail or succeed. It appears to me Y'all are just being cruel to a person for trying to bring good to the server. Quit trying to compensate your inability to create by destroying.

On a side note, I would be honored to supply this crusade with weapons and armor.


Lord of Altera

As the war in Altera continues, many cults begin to rise in hope that their mad god will be the one worshiped in all the realm. To counter that, many factions were born to fight evil where it would rise. In that darkened era, the Secretum Templi, which also meant the ''secret temple'', was waging an endless skirmish against the forces of Queen Grief and the evil God Kilrox. Regulus I, first master of the order, created it to bring the war ever closer to evil's strongholds. As the temple fought many battles and lost many good members, peace finally came. But this virtual peace wasn't really true and the order knew that one day, the world of Altera would fall again into the abyss of violence and savagery. To counter the second rise of evil, Magnus Arcturus IV, alias ''The Tactician'', decided to show the war to all and to recruit even more crusaders, in hope that the free people of the kingdoms would join him, and the kings would grant him their help.

After revealing the long-lasting conflict to the innocent population, Magnus established The Golden Crusade, a major holy order that would stand vigilant over the free people and wage war to evil. Their goal was and is to bring the holy light of the all knowing Harateth to those that would be opened to it. The Crusaders would be charitable, brave, and give help to any folk in dire need of aid. The High Inquisition was then created, and would be the leading council of the Crusade. The only things remaining for the Crusade to start was wealth and loyal soldiers to fight for Harateth's cause.

Let the next chapter of this story be revealed with the war!

(p.s: the secretum templi is purely fictional and i didn't took it from latin, so if the traduction may be wrong, forgive me for it).


Lord of Altera
Any way... Enough bashing this,Realy are you all just 6? Let him determine if it will fail or succeed. It appears to me Y'all are just being cruel to a person for trying to bring good to the server. Quit trying to compensate your inability to create by destroying.

On a side note, I would be honored to supply this crusade with weapons and armor.

i can't see members and enemies in the mess. Do you want to take a more active part and become a crusader?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
you can't burn it if its made of sandstone mark...
Fire always works... Always, it's a simple, well-known fact. Surprised you didn't learn it in school, or from personal experience, or somone didn't tell you a story of their experience of fire always working... Then again, I'm sure we've gone to different schools, have a different life experience, and know different people. But it's still a fact. Fire always works.


Lord of Altera
Fire always works... Always, it's a simple, well-known fact. Surprised you didn't learn it in school, or from personal experience, or somone didn't tell you a story of their experience of fire always working... Then again, I'm sure we've gone to different schools, have a different life experience, and know different people. But it's still a fact. Fire always works.
Blarg, i just don't like the way you are talking about fire >.>
Are you a pyroman? :eek:
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