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[Village] Elkron [Old thread - Closed]

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Burner of Worlds
Minecraft Username: Rauyran

Roleplay Name: Rauyran the Searcher

Race: Human

Rp profile: Three years ago I left the eastern city where I had raised the two orphans I raised as my own. My boy (he is as dear to me as if he were my own blood) is now an apprentice to a master craftsman and he hopes to marry the craftsman's daughter some day. My girl reminds me of myself in my younger days. She wields a sword like a man 5 years her elder and she can best any of the guards in her lord's entourage. One day she'll be the commander of those guards, I see it in her eyes. Now they are grown, once more the calling has come to me. Since I was a child among the sheep farmers of the dales I have felt the urge to wander in search of something. I know it what it is but it leads my feet cross strange lands and seas. It has brought me to Elkron and I feel I may find some clue to my destiny here.

Preferred job: Armorer. I picked up armor repair and smithing skills in the years after becoming the orphan's protector. I'll make armor of all types but I won't make weapons. In time I will add enchanted armor too.

What you feel you could add to the town: I can bring commerce to the town and assist in its protection by keeping its citizens well armored.

How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids? I get on with everyone. I'll even have a go at making mermaid armour, I like challenges.

I have some coin from trading so I would like to buy land to set up a house, forge and shop.


King ForumStalker
. I'll even have a go at making mermaid armour, I like challenges.
I applaud this, do you know how hard it is to make use of leggings with fins? Most of us don't even bother. I also implore that the armour be rust free.


Burner of Worlds
Golden armor should be rust free and has the benefit of looking glorious underwater. I have a technique of overlapping plate-like scales that should allow flexibility for swimming.
Im a snoop >.> and i was looking around all the towns and this one was so cute :3
Minecraft Username: bluebird157
Roleplay Name: Elvira Poe
Race: (idk but im a witch :p )
Rp profile: Here it is
Preferred job:well im good at brewing and that kind of stuff but im also good at hunting
What you feel you could add to the town: Awesome RP! and uhmm.... cookies?
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: theyre Awesomee
Notice me ingame for an interview
Minecraft Username: Rauyran

Roleplay Name: Rauyran the Searcher

Race: Human

Rp profile: Three years ago I left the eastern city where I had raised the two orphans I raised as my own. My boy (he is as dear to me as if he were my own blood) is now an apprentice to a master craftsman and he hopes to marry the craftsman's daughter some day. My girl reminds me of myself in my younger days. She wields a sword like a man 5 years her elder and she can best any of the guards in her lord's entourage. One day she'll be the commander of those guards, I see it in her eyes. Now they are grown, once more the calling has come to me. Since I was a child among the sheep farmers of the dales I have felt the urge to wander in search of something. I know it what it is but it leads my feet cross strange lands and seas. It has brought me to Elkron and I feel I may find some clue to my destiny here.

Preferred job: Armorer. I picked up armor repair and smithing skills in the years after becoming the orphan's protector. I'll make armor of all types but I won't make weapons. In time I will add enchanted armor too.

What you feel you could add to the town: I can bring commerce to the town and assist in its protection by keeping its citizens well armored.

How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids? I get on with everyone. I'll even have a go at making mermaid armour, I like challenges.

I have some coin from trading so I would like to buy land to set up a house, forge and shop.
Notice me ingame for an interview
Minecraft Username: LemonJuiceTaco
Roleplay Name: Lemonis Tonnto
Race: Water Elemental
Rp profile:
Preferred job: Hunter
What you feel you could add to the town: I could add skills in PVP
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: I'm fine with them.
Hehe, cool. Edward would like to talk to you about Protaras (Ally thingy) and notice me ingame for an interview.
here is my background story from d_sopinka---Skar was a little baby while his parents were killed in a mining accident, a gravelanche collapsed over them. Skar grew up in the mine with his Uncle pete Skar was 7 when he realized the brutal reality of his living conditions he knew that someday he would get his ores together and make the tools that would lead him to a better life! Skar at the age of 16 knew all the hotspots for mining he collected his iron and crafted the pickaxe that would bring him to daylight eventually Skar made it out of the mine and gasped at the sight of a large jungle he traversed his way through the jungle learning how to climb and hunt remembering rumors of rogues that were in the mine Skar learned that what he was doing was similar to the skills of rogues he found a large castle and hopped the walls and found the kings treasury and stole he later learned his lesson by being thrown in the dungeon for theivary he came out and began a new life in the capital of the world Altera...
here is my background story from d_sopinka---Skar was a little baby while his parents were killed in a mining accident, a gravelanche collapsed over them. Skar grew up in the mine with his Uncle pete Skar was 7 when he realized the brutal reality of his living conditions he knew that someday he would get his ores together and make the tools that would lead him to a better life! Skar at the age of 16 knew all the hotspots for mining he collected his iron and crafted the pickaxe that would bring him to daylight eventually Skar made it out of the mine and gasped at the sight of a large jungle he traversed his way through the jungle learning how to climb and hunt remembering rumors of rogues that were in the mine Skar learned that what he was doing was similar to the skills of rogues he found a large castle and hopped the walls and found the kings treasury and stole he later learned his lesson by being thrown in the dungeon for theivary he came out and began a new life in the capital of the world Altera...
add it to your RP profile
minecraft Username: d_sopinka
Roleplay Name: scar (thats what i want to be called)
Race: Dwarf
Rp profile:
minecraft Username: d_sopinka
Roleplay Name: scar (thats what i want to be called)
Race: Dwarf
Rp profile:
Preferred job: miner
What you feel you could add to the town: I could donate good ores and do part time jobs and build
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: I'm fine with them.Preferred job: miner
What you feel you could add to the town: I could donate good ores and do part time jobs and build
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: I'm fine with them.


Settling in Altera
Minecraft Username: anton5556
Roleplay Name: Anton Haldan Hjorvard
Race: Human / Nord
Rp profile:
Preferred job: I would like to be a guard / protector or police officer of ELKRON, I will try to defend the island against monsters and other nations if they should try on something naughty, but if its not possible then I can be a hunter
What you feel you could add to the town: jail/wall/barracks
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: i don't have a problem whith them, if they respect me I respect them. We Nordmen are known to have a short temper.,

Im going to buy a new computer so I will be offline for a few days.
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