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[Upcoming] The Alteran Games


Thats pretty much bowling... These are tests of strength within houses, yes the games are for fun but it still needs to make RP sense


Hollows Explorer
Thats pretty much bowling...
Not quite, bowling revolves around knocking entities down. Curling on the other hand is about getting your slide stones ( I think thats what they call them ) as near a target area as possible ;) and it is a relatively old sport, first mention of it being in 1541. Altough that isint quite the medieval times it might still be fun to include.


Lord of Altera
Curling is popular in canada, and i can tell you we can't play Curling in minecraft, way too complicated to make.


Lord of Altera
Even then its not too similar. Curling is on ice, is scored differently and you aim for a target as opposed to a ball.
yup, Curling doesnt even work with bowls and the goal is to push other team's curling stones (call that what you want, its still not a sphere, and yeah, its actually made of granite.) and to get your stones the closest as possible to the middle of the score zone to earn points.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
roopot said:
having it timed would be better. it would be a better test of skill and they wont beable to help each other
How about we make 10 separate mazes, it would take time but it would stop people following others


Whats the point in making 10 mazes. If people want to follow people thats fine, its not like the person theyre following knows where theyre going.


Lord of Altera
you mean- ten copies of the same maze, so it would be equal?

or i would rather say let them begin in separate corners.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Valonyx said:
you mean- ten copies of the same maze, so it would be equal?

or i would rather say let them begin in separate corners.
Actually 10 different mazes, but 4 people starting in each corner is a good idea


Lord of Altera
Yes we need someone at the end to take screenshots at least to prove who won the actual race, this will help prevents arguments and for a record of winners to be kept.