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War on Humans (The Misunderstood)


King ForumStalker
Name eh?

League of Monsters?
Exterminators of Corruption and Greed?
Anti-humanoid collective

A few to get some ideas flowing at least.


Lord of Altera
So entering the sw makes you evil? What about people who mine for a profit and not all bandits are human and not all humans are bandits think of the old granny mining 2 feed her 8 grand kids! LEAVE GRANNY ALONE!
Firstly we never said entering Our Wilds makes you evil just that Evil resides there. And I will leave Granny alone, but I suggest she feed the kids from the Frontier instead.


Lord of Altera
Valonyx, don't worry, we're not hunting you, or your Crusade.. you're not that greedy. I'm kind of scared of your nice shiny gold armor now that I'm part werewolf... but don't mess with us, we won't mess with you. Like I said, we're not good. *grins*


Lord of Altera
Valonyx, don't worry, we're not hunting you, or your Crusade.. you're not that greedy. I'm kind of scared of your nice shiny gold armor now that I'm part werewolf... but don't mess with us, we won't mess with you. Like I said, we're not good. *grins*

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
You do realise granny isn't real? I just changed britney to granny it's a funny/famous YouTube vid called leave britney alone or summin


Lord of Altera
Hmm.. these are some good names.. Ok, popular ones so far...
1. Exterminators of Greed and corruption (very long name though..)
2. Bane of corruption
3. The Hive?
4. The Wild's Creed


Lord of Altera
Hmm.. these are some good names.. Ok, popular ones so far...
1. Exterminators of Greed and corruption
2. Bane of corruption
3. The Hive?
The hive???
That sounds way too much like bee hives, and bee hives are annoying to everyone, not only humans.


King ForumStalker
It could work, it could be a reference to the fact that everyone works for the "greater good" of monsters, as a hive mind mentality.