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Things that annoy me in RP


Loyal Servant of Altera
Eugh I literally started an rp and maybe 2 or 3 sentences were spoken before the whole rp chat was overcome with () comments. If you want to say something out of character go into ooc chat, and don't go into rp and not rp. It's highly irritating.


Lord of Altera
Another thing I hate is meta-gaming. When someone say/does something to you because your in an evil cult, yet their character has never seen or heard about the cult or has no way of knowing its members >:/
I apologize, spark, if i meta-game'd a couple of times when i first joined to server. I actually didn't know what was meta-gaming at that moment.

But naow i can call you cultists, because i got spies everywhere ;3


Valonyx said:
I apologize, spark, if i meta-game'd a couple of times when i first joined to server. I actually didn't know what was meta-gaming at that moment.

But naow i can call you cultists, because i got spies everywhere ;3
I hope your joking

JLA Montoya

I think I might like it here
Valonyx, you keep saying you're not power gaming, but you are.

Allegedly "Magnus Arcturus IV" was a baker? With that name? If not, then he's now a different character and thus not a baker. And now you allegedly have spies everywhere? Unless these spies told you in RP the information you're using, your character cannot know. You need to reel your character in a bit.


Valonyx, you keep saying you're not power gaming, but you are.

Allegedly "Magnus Arcturus IV" was a baker? With that name? If not, then he's now a different character and thus not a baker. And now you allegedly have spies everywhere? Unless these spies told you in RP the information you're using, your character cannot know. You need to reel your character in a bit.
and even if his "spies" did tell him, they have no way of getting the information


Lord of Altera
Valonyx, you keep saying you're not power gaming, but you are.

Allegedly "Magnus Arcturus IV" was a baker? With that name? If not, then he's now a different character and thus not a baker. And now you allegedly have spies everywhere? Unless these spies told you in RP the information you're using, your character cannot know. You need to reel your character in a bit.
First, here's some answers to your questions. Before attacking me like that, try to find at least one time the word ''baker'' in there.

secondly, why am i called ''Magnus Arcturus IV'' ? Two reasons.

1. i am ''the fourth'' leader of the Golden Crusade that wielded this name.
2. I specified in my story that magnus's father was a ''landbaron'', and i was born of ''small nobility'' which means to me that he was a part of nobility, a declining family, but still nobility.

Third, I have RP discussions in-game as Magnus with my sources, which also work as their characters. I assure you that your accusations towards me are false and unfounded. I still don't understand why'd you come like that and rage at me, i never even spoke to you in-game.

and even if his "spies" did tell him, they have no way of getting the information
And yes, they do, my spies, moles and sources work as characters and they didn't get their intel on forums. So stop accusing me of power-gaming or meta-gaming, its getting rude.

I apologize, spark, if i meta-game'd a couple of times when i first joined to server. I actually didn't know what was meta-gaming at that moment.
I even apologized for the first times i used meta-gaming when i wasn't aware of it.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
What did his spies apparently find that they could have possibly found Spark?

JLA Montoya

I think I might like it here
There's no reason to assume that because someone is calling you out means they're attacking you. I'm simply pointing out that you're being hypocritical. Don't react like everyone is out to get you.

Next, I was *told* that you explained your characters ascension to his current position by saying "Well, he started off as a baker." If that was an exaggeration or a lie, I apologize for believing it.

Second, I would like you to point out any accusations I made. You'll find that I didn't make any. I said if. If you have spies, you'd need to be told in RP their info, otherwise you're meta-gaming. I never said were actively meta-gaming, I said if.

And the deal with the name is appearances. "I'm not overpowered, by the way my name is Omnipotentus Maximus Dominatum XXVII, Lord of the Blessed Paladins of Glory." That's an extreme exaggeration, but I'm sure you get my point. Very hard to humble with names like "Golden Crusade" and "Magnus Arcturus." That's all I was saying. No need to explain naming conventions.

Edit: I said you are power gaming because of these sentences in your character's bio:

"that when i wield my holy armor, i look like an angel coming down from Harateth's realm to judge the heretics and infidels. Without it, i mostly have the posture of a veteran crusader and the gesture of a leader."

"Although i may be one of the greatest field commanders of Altera"

That was a quick grab at some power.


Lord of Altera
And the deal with the name is appearances. "I'm not overpowered, by the way my name is Omnipotentus Maximus Dominatum XXVII, Lord of the Blessed Paladins of Glory." That's an extreme exaggeration, but I'm sure you get my point. Very hard to humble with names like "Golden Crusade" and "Magnus Arcturus." That's all I was saying. No need to explain naming conventions.
Yeah i know dude but, the thing is that paladins and the such always had fancy names, and i like those, but it doesn't mean that im overpowered for having a long name.

And the person that told you i started as a baker obviously never read my character profile.


Valonyx said:
The location of the cult's base.

/re-rail now.
This is on topic the thread is about annoying things in RP, you said in another post that you can call us cultists yet you dont know any members? Also, the bedrock portal is not the RP entrance to the town.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Valonyx has been on the server slightly less than four weeks now, he was clearly planning his crusade since the begging and already has 18 men under his command along with his own barracks. I don't think he needs to worry so much about being humble. No one who plans to work towards becoming reknown or powerful is going to call their character something common as it would end up being unfitting. Maybe introducing himself by his full name before he reached his current standing was unfitting but now its a name he's easily earnt himself the right to use.

As for the location of the cults base, Its hardly a secret even in Rp. You can actually jump over your outer wall add in the fact you never shut your inner gates and the Huge kilrox banner in the cathedrals somewhat of a dead give away of what it is. As is the sign on Markisbeests house there that says Groothart residence which clearly puts him in league with the cult if nothing else. As for finding it out in the snow mark actually introduced himself to me as my neighbour when I moved into Renatus, naturally I was going to go and check out any nearby settlements. And thats not even going into spies.


Lord of Altera
This is on topic the thread is about annoying things in RP, you said in another post that you can call us cultists yet you dont know any members? Also, the bedrock portal is not the RP entrance to the town.
do you really think im that stupid...
I was not talking about the freaking bedrock portal, our RP-wise, no metagaming, no powergaming plan is almost set.
and yes, my sources also informed me of some members and to be honest with you, mark is pretty obvious in his actions.