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building an RPG from scratch aint easy.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Here is what I have so far. there are full descriptions for a lot of the alteran lore, races and the beginning on the numbers side of building a character.

I hope you like it, it is taking a lot of work. suggestions and comments are welcome.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Trying to do this for my current char, seeing how it would turn out. Given myself a points allowance of fifty.
I've also attempted to sort them into rough categories:
And managed to end up with 76 points worth of proficiencies.
I really like how you separated the proficiencies into groups!

the creation point costs for proficiencies are 5 points for ratings one through five and 10 points for 6 through 10. the attributes and races are the expensive ones. your character starts at first level with 1000 creation points.

NOTE THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE!! i still need to distribute points through a few characters and make sure that I am not over or under-powering starting characters. this is just a starting point. I haven't even made a list of qualities yet. and the qualities are the cool things like ambidexterity and magical aptitude.


Magus of Nothing
Well, I'll have another go with one thousand points. However, surely with the prices thing, level one should be worth one point, 2 worth 2, 3 worth 3, etc?

EDIT: Otherwise people are never going to chose to allocate one point in something, they'll allocate 5.


0-Cannot do this.
7-Very Good


Magus of Nothing
With the new one thousand point limit I have added some points to a few skills and have ended up with a grand total of...


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Well, I'll have another go with one thousand points. However, surely with the prices thing, level one should be worth one point, 2 worth 2, 3 worth 3, etc?

EDIT: Otherwise people are never going to chose to allocate one point in something, they'll allocate 5.


0-Cannot do this.
7-Very Good

you misunderstand. it costs five creation points for every proficiency point you purchase up to level five and ten for every point after that.

so for purchasing points in a single proficiency the total CP spent would look like this:
1: 5
2: 10
3: 15
4: 20
5: 25
6: 35
7: 45
8: 55
9: 65
10: 75

and do not forget that you still need to purchase attribute points with that 1000 initial CP and if you are playing as a race other than human that costs CP as well. so does creating a spirit blessed character.

then there are the special qualities which I have not even started writing.

does this make more sense?


Non sum qualis eram
All I've seen so far reminds me a great deal of the more general point-buy systems.

My personal recommendations / constructive criticism, from what I've seen so far:

- Be wary! Avoid going too overboard on rules in here, or it will probably never come into general use on the server. If one wanted to play an online tabletop game, there are much better options to people than Minecraft, and trying to compete with them, I cannot see going that well. I suggest trying to emphasize what we already have, and use the attributes system and such as an intelligent, more easy to understand guideline as to how to RP a character's strengths and weaknesses, and a means to get people RPing on the same baseline. Doubtless I do not want to look up stats and die rolls any time I wish to do something in a Minecraft RP, but knowing "My character should be 'okay' at this, I should RP doing it sucessfully but with a lot of effort." would be a useful outcome for many people.

- I'd rather see no artwork than artwork whose source I immediately recognize. Some of the stuff I've seen I also am fairly certain is copyrighted/trademarked/whathaveyou. Please be careful with art, I wouldn't want to see your work disappear in a takedown over it.

- Cunning and Intellect, Dexterity and Agility, as well as Charisma and Comeliness are similar enough that you might well consider combining them.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
My personal recommendations / constructive criticism, from what I've seen so far:

- Be wary! Avoid going too overboard on rules in here, or it will probably never come into general use on the server. If one wanted to play an online tabletop game...

I'm making a table top (old school, dice and paper and face to face interaction). that is the point of this. the points and whatnot are not (probably) going to apply to the mc game but are a useful way for people to quantify their characters.

- I'd rather see no artwork than artwork whose source I immediately recognize. Some of the stuff I've seen I also am fairly certain is copyrighted/trademarked/whathaveyou. Please be careful with art, I wouldn't want to see your work disappear in a takedown over it.
it's just a space filler and fun to look at until I can make my own art or get someone to do it for me. I'm planning on publishing so nothing that is stolen will be kept. good looking out though.

- Cunning and Intellect, Dexterity and Agility, as well as Charisma and Comeliness are similar enough that you might well consider combining them.
very different things. I've known quite a few people who are booksmart as hell but when it comes to thinking on their feet they are like a fish out of water. dexterity and agility are quite different as well. Though I myself have quite dexterous fingers my body control for things like sports and acrobatics is crap. charisma and comliness have nothing to do with one another. how many ugly people do you know with great personalities and how many beautiful girls have you met that are stuck up bitches. one is personality one is appearance.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I'm making a table top (old school, dice and paper and face to face interaction).
Wait, so this is going to be for an actual game?... Not just something for people new to RP to better make their characters in HW?... When will it be finished? I assume it will be online, too?


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
yeah, as far as completion goes... if you look at the site I have a LOOOOONG way to go.

the wwebpage will be up throughout production and probably after release. online games can totally happen with all the instant communication programs available now such as skype and google plus.


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
Neal, you're smart and I would like more of your input. Don't let my shooting down of your previous input discourage you. I look forward to more of your suggestions.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I like how you've ripped borrowed pathfinder's organization and picture, GURPS skill point system, and White Wolf's dice mechanics, and cobbled them together to form something different.

Have you ever looked at Savage Worlds? The system is so flexible it would be a very simple task to insert the server's lore and races. I figure you're already set on making your monster of a roleplaying game, but I really recommend that you give it a look if you haven't already. I personally end up running at least one Savage Worlds game every time I go to a gaming convention because it's so fun and easy to teach to new players.

Good luck on your game system!


Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
I like how you've ripped borrowed pathfinder's organization and picture, GURPS skill point system, and White Wolf's dice mechanics, and cobbled them together to form something different.

Have you ever looked at Savage Worlds? The system is so flexible it would be a very simple task to insert the server's lore and races. I figure you're already set on making your monster of a roleplaying game, but I really recommend that you give it a look if you haven't already. I personally end up running at least one Savage Worlds game every time I go to a gaming convention because it's so fun and easy to teach to new players.

Good luck on your game system!

Never played gurps. aware of it but from everything I have heard from others it is ridiculously complicated so I never touched it. I have played: wod, d20, dnd pathfinder, the dresden files RPG and sr4. The attribute plus proficiency system (sr4 and wod) is really fast for combat (and for determining anything else really) so of course I would build a system similar. this is one of d20's shortcomings. one of d20's strengths however was the ease of navagation through their books and their class and level systems. soooo if there is a way to blend the two.. umpa!!

and if you read the previous posts you will see that the art is not permanent.

I would love to build something so flexible and neat as the dresden files rpg but honestly many players do not grasp the concept of making concepts.

The majority of my inspiration has come from SR4. check that game out. not easy and building a character can take an hour or two. but the system (other than magic and vehicular combat) is smooth and the setting is PHENOMENAL. check it out.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
yeah it makes sense, i was also joking with you about the whole ripped thing.

I'll check out sr4, sounds interesting. Thanks for the tip!


Non sum qualis eram
Suggestions on these:

Axes. [:(]
Possible rework of weapon categories. Instead of, for example, Light-Med-Heavy Swords, go with (Light, Medium, Heavy) Cutting Weapons. Perhaps go with Cut (Swords, Sickles, Scythes, etc) Hack/Chop (Axes, Machetes, etc), Bash (Clubs, Warhammers, Ball and Chain, etc) and Puncture, (Rapiers, Spears, Lances, Picks.)
Adds flexibility, flavor, and choice to character selection without an overburdening of weapon categories.

Parrying (Weapon)
Blocking (Shield)

Possible rename of magic schools to give you more flexibility in giving them spells:
Perception -> Divination (Also stops you from having two perception skills.)
Counter spell -> Metamagic (Magic-affecting Magic. Counter. Boost. Redirect.)

