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[Town] Hive


Lord of Altera
I'm working on building a new town, inspired off of what I've done once, an underwater city. Yes, thats right, a city hidden beneath the ice. Its currently only a few chests and a sign, but it will quickly expand into something more. I need your help though, I will happily buy stone bricks and a decent aqua infinity helm (I think you can guess why). I hope it will one day grow big enough for people to live in.

Alright, Experimental lore, it may or may not change... Please tell me if you want anything to change, I'll happily take feedback!

A door swings loosely on its hinges while snow drifts down from the heavens and slowly weighs its burdens on your shoulders. The small town, in apparent ruins seems to be abandoned fairly recently despite the destruction to the buildings... As you wander through the wreckage, fireplaces still barely smoking in their chimneys, you have this feeling you're being watched...
Staring at the ground, you see partially snow dusted foot prints.. leading to a well? You hear strange inhuman sounds echoing up from it.. and running water... After you climbed down... you where never seen again.

The concept of the town is it was taken over (most likely by animalistic characters); and the new inhabitants have created their own city, under the ice, where the ocean floor is heated by volcanic activity beneath.


Arnt sponges going to work in a future update? If so then that would make it a whole lot easier.
Nice idea


Lord of Altera
Well, you'll actually have to swim from building to building, I'll have lamp posts with air pockets for safer travels. Thanks for the support though, its going to be a big job lol


Lord of Altera
Sounds like a great idea, I'd love to help but I don't have any spare bricks currently. Is there anything else I (Or the ghost of Predatrice) could do to help?


Legend of Altera
Maybe get wood for buildings, Gravel for roads go wild, Also wyv shall we do town hall or treasury in shape of a sunken ship


Lord of Altera
Would Gravel and Wood really work underwater? Anyhow where is Hive I would love to go see it and put my gifts (whatever they will be) in a chest or something?


Lord of Altera
Thank you so much for the support guys XD
I have no portal, or buildings yet, but as soon as its up, I'll let you guys know and give you permissions.


Lord of Altera
Ah, well it could be anything from a few blocks of dirt to a years supply of cookies. You'll just have to wait and see, and then hug me. ;)