Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Zuk'Thar


Loyal Servant of Altera
I downloaded some parts of the server map recently and I was modifying Zuk'thar and I wanted to show you guys some of the modifications I made and see if you like the changes. One thing I did notice is outside the main building, all the other buildings were becoming more and more human like besides the flames ontop of them and the red/black wool. A little human design in the buildings isn't bad but too much defeats the purpose of being an earth spawn city.Throne Room.pngOutside.pngCity.png


Lord of Altera
I downloaded some parts of the server map recently and I was modifying Zuk'thar and I wanted to show you guys some of the modifications I made and see if you like the changes. One thing I did notice is outside the main building, all the other buildings were becoming more and more human like besides the flames ontop of them and the red/black wool. A little human design in the buildings isn't bad but too much defeats the purpose of being an earth spawn city.View attachment 13179View attachment 13180View attachment 13181
Nice! You should talk to PyschoCreep and give her some suggestions. I love your designs. How did you download the server map?


1.Account Name

2. IC Name
Deig the Mighty Axe

3. Character Age

Orks! Orks! Orks!

4. Link to your backstory if you have one.
Orks! Orks! Orks!

5. Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]
Where's evers yous need me boss.


Lord of Altera
1.Account Name

2. IC Name
Deig the Mighty Axe

3. Character Age

Orks! Orks! Orks!

4. Link to your backstory if you have one.
Orks! Orks! Orks!

5. Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]
Where's evers yous need me boss.
Are you in Military? If so come to Zuk'Fon!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Why'd you create two orcs cities? You are only splitting the small orc population as it is.


Well I's just looking for some fellow orks. I aint into no political stuffz.
Why aint you boyz running together? Not to any Orks around as is.


Lord of Altera
  1. Account Name: Crazy_Rabbit
  2. IC Name: Grak
  3. Character Age: 34
  4. Race: Orc
  5. Link to your backstory if you have one
  6. Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]: Blacksmith by trade, and willing to do anything to improve the community.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
  1. Account Name: Crazy_Rabbit
  2. IC Name: Grak
  3. Character Age: 34
  4. Race: Orc
  5. Link to your backstory if you have one
  6. Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]: Blacksmith by trade, and willing to do anything to improve the community.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Note. To fit in the the alteran lore. Yes we are "Orcs/Orks" but we must call our selves "Earthspawn".
We are not little orcs ether, We are huge 7ft tall , with muscles buldging like some psyco weight lifter!

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Why'd you create two orcs cities? You are only splitting the small orc population as it is.
You have the wrong end of the stick. We are 1 city. There is 2 sectors in the city. The housing/civilisation and normal city part.Then there is the Military sector on the mountain right next to us!

Imagine it as Zuk'Thar = the city.
Zuk'Fon is the Military sector of Zuk'Thar on mountain
(Infact dont imagine it because thats exactly what it is :p)
Soon there will be more sectors of the city eg.Port and factory!

I agree the buildings are coming slightly more "lodge" like! I really hope you have time to Inbox our 2 head builders:

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
House Earkz'Dok is our new house!
It is Owned by me!
The Heirs are Frankieba5 and Sir_Frednrick!
It is a Earthspawn only house and means Earthspawn Nation in the Earkz'Dok language Earkzian


Lord of Altera
I downloaded some parts of the server map recently and I was modifying Zuk'thar and I wanted to show you guys some of the modifications I made and see if you like the changes. One thing I did notice is outside the main building, all the other buildings were becoming more and more human like besides the flames ontop of them and the red/black wool. A little human design in the buildings isn't bad but too much defeats the purpose of being an earth spawn city.View attachment 13179View attachment 13180View attachment 13181
You know, I already thought it became to much....human....But I couldn't figure a way to make it more earthspawnish...I thought of using lava here and there, but not sure about that yet..... I like what you did with the townhall! About the townhall, maybe we can place signs on the wall to show like a list of the proffesions/people we got in town, just townhall stuff....Anyway, ALL suggestions are welcome!