Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Zuk'Thar


Lord of Altera
Just a notice, the docks are almost finished, I changed the houses a bit and I am planning on moving the farm outside the city, maybe near the docks, so there is more space in the city itself.


Lord of Altera
Telemaja probaly is going to finish the airship today...atleast...I hope so. Then the next project is the wall/gate around the town...

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Rember the city wall entrance is at the docks. So the docks are OUTSIDE off the wall and the city INSIDE! The town notice board will be at the docks and there will also be the sewers and slum houses there :)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Which one do you like better, I was thinking it would be cool if there was a lever of some sort that controled when its nostrils flared with fire along with its eyes and its mouth with lava. And it would be awesome to have a secret entrance inside of it.


Lord of Altera
This looks amazing! I really like the lava one, but making a swich to stop the lava from flowing is nearly impossible, not because of the swich, but because of the lava that somehow keeps on flowing even when you cut it of. But this wil be of great use!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Seeing that at the entrance of a town would most certainly make me think twice about entering.... ;_;


Lord of Altera
Ohmy yes! That would be the best entrance ever! hmmm its just such a pity that the head spitting lava will give such a the other hand...the head can work as a destraction for a trap, like a pitfall.....hmmm so many options....:confused:

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Today Zuk'Thar air-sheeps (Yes I spelt it like that...)ships will be taking to the air! I have said this a few times but its been agreed today it will be done!
Around: 7PM GMT , Zuk'Thar will be open to the public!!!
However... Be carefull, Enemys will be killed!