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Role Play Etiquette


Lord of Altera
*I am aware this may be a pointless post, just tell me, I don't know if these bug anyone else. I am not trying to act like the RP God that knows all here, just asking everyone what they think, I have done these of course*​

These things have not happened SO much that I am angry, just some basic things that could be tweaked.

I don't know if there are any standard "rules" for doing Role Play, but it would be neat to have some basic RP guidelines. I like to do some serious Role Play and there are just some things that kind of bug me when trying to do so. (Things I will say, I have done, I am just trying to fix it) One things that kind of bugs me is interjecting into a conversation with something that changes the topic. If two people are having a heated, heart-to-heart, or friendly conversation, sometimes people will arrive to really stop the flow of what is happening.

For example:
RP 1: Well, I don't agree with you, I think that point of view is completely ridiculous!
RP 2: Excuse me? *sheathes sword* You dare offend me like that?
RP 1: I am not afraid of you. *sheathes sword* You are no master of swordsmanship!
RP 3: Hey you two, what's going on? I just got back from *blah blah blah*

That just kind of ruins the immersion of the heated fight brewing here.

Also, having everyone leap into the same fight being a powerhouse and easily defeating all of the other combatants is strange. Dealing with the fight sequences are difficult, but if we came up with some sort of strategy for who attacks when, and what they are allowed to do would be interesting. This would be so fights are not like:

RP 1: *swings sword hard with right hand*
RP 2: *raises shield to deflect the blow, still taking some force*
RP 3: *fires a fireball that hits the man with the shield and knocks both of them out*
RP 4: (at the same time as RP 3 said his) *runs in and double kicks the two fighting men*

These people are not trying to ruin the RP experience, but the structure is difficult because different people end up wanting to do different things at the same time all of the others want to as well.

Last but not least, RP symbols. If I am not mistaken, this is the Altera-wide accepted symbol list:
() = Out Of Character speaking while in RP chat
{} = Your character's thoughts
** = Actions of your character

If this is not true, can we have a list of symbols that in universal so people don't use hyphens? My issue with hyphens is that reading a line of text with hyphens in it in place of the asterisks is hard for me. (and others?)

Example: Well, I was just selling some things at the market today -sits down- and there were a few strange men there -takes a drink from flask- that I have not seen before.

That line is just more difficult to read (for me) than just using an asterisk. I apologize if some people think this is a ridiculous post (I am debating whether to put this up too). My main point here is can we get: A basic list of RP Etiquette, plans for fighting, and a Symbol List. I would help make these but I want to see what other people think. If you have some other things that don't fit serious RP, post it please!

Any feedback is appreciated!



... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Another thing... If your character isn't holding it or wearing it in RP... Don't have it on... It's so... Grr... To see see people wearing a gold helmet, diamond chestplate, and iron pants and shoes RPing... That's one thing I strongly dislike. :\


Lord of Altera
Another thing... If your character isn't holding it or wearing it in RP... Don't have it on... It's so... Grr... To see see people wearing a gold helmet, diamond chestplate, and iron pants and shoes RPing... That's one thing I strongly dislike. :\
Yes, that. Forgot to mention capitalization and punctuation. >.<

Also, when I am talking about conversations, I mean people who pointlessly butt in and ruin the flow or continuity of the conversation. People can obviously join in, but the situation has got to be right.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
This, a thousand times over. I'm a little late to the party, but I agree with your points completely!

Especially 'don't break the continuity'. That needles me constantly.


Non sum qualis eram
You missed one big one:

Never narrate the actions of other characters!

It is not, and I'll use the most egregious example I know of here,
but, for example:
*Lunges from the shadows, aiming a strike at the man's chest*


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Continuity is a good one. It's like improvisation in drama; you have got to go with the flow.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
You missed one big one:

Never narrate the actions of other characters!

It is not, and I'll use the most egregious example I know of here,
but, for example:
*Lunges from the shadows, aiming a strike at the man's chest*

How could I forget mentioning this? It happens much to often for my taste, but... On the other end of the stick, there are those who immediately assume what you did is what must happen. Er, kinda like this:

*Swings his sword in obvious fury at the mans side, hoping to hit -something-*
*Is hit*
(( Wat ))



The Court Jester
Retired Staff
How could I forget mentioning this? It happens much to often for my taste, but... On the other end of the stick, there are those who immediately assume what you did is what must happen. Er, kinda like this:

*Swings his sword in obvious fury at the mans side, hoping to hit -something-*
*Is hit*
(( Wat ))

Heh, it's better than people miraculously escaping seven fully armoured guards because they are "masters of stealth" like every other person on the server. :confused:


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Heh, it's better than people miraculously escaping seven fully armoured guards because they are "masters of stealth" like every other person on the server. :confused:

Please don't remind me of those things. It makes my heart hurt.


Lord of Altera
*attempts to lift Lathan off the ground telekinetically*? I understand the principle with killing somebody or sneaking past, but with telekinesis I feel like it works just fine to say you do something to somebody because they can say *breaks free from his hold with ease* if their character can do that kind of thing.


Lord of Altera
I don't really like rolling unless it's an evenly matched fight.. And nah, levitation isn't really that hard. If you do it by using mana simply to lift the person, yes. But if you use magic to manipulate other forces and then combine that with lifting, it can be easy. It just takes a lot of focus unless you use runes or words of power or something like that.


Flowster12345 said:
I don't really like rolling unless it's an evenly matched fight.. And nah, levitation isn't really that hard. If you do it by using mana simply to lift the person, yes. But if you use magic to manipulate other forces and then combine that with lifting, it can be easy. It just takes a lot of focus unless you use runes or words of power or something like that.
Your character is an 8 year old human? I cant imagine him having the magical ability to lift a 180 lb man...


Lord of Altera
It is a bit OP, but a perfect counter balance for it is that he cant control when he can cast it, he has the knowledge but he cant use it effectively etc.


I read the story, he has a "birth mark" that gives him more power or energy, but it seems he can control it whenever he wants..


Karasu1996 said:
I rememer reading differently ._. I would nerf that....hard...
I mean in the story when he uses magic in stressful situations. I understand that he has learnt magic or whatever but he is still a little kid none the less. Meaning his pain threashold will be a lot lot less