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Yo wizards, witches, pyromancers and demons.


Legend of Altera
Magic should have some kind of restrictions. People are using it way too overpowered.
I'm pretty sure I remember you being a lich-warrior with powerful frost magic who wouldn't die or even register blows when he was stabbed in the torso with a magical sword.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
People can get in trouble for being too OP with magic. I mentioned somone was being a bit... Ridiculous with his abilities with a day-old character, and an admin nearly banned him until he said he'd let his character die and his new one would be a simple peasant.


Lord of Altera
I'm pretty sure I remember you being a lich-warrior with powerful frost magic who wouldn't die or even register blows when he was stabbed in the torso with a magical sword.
I'm pretty sure you don't. I have exactly three characters.

First character:
Cami the fire elemental, I did not use the powers in fights quite much. If I did, I tried to be as fair as possible. I was a bit bad roleplayer back then, and I might have been overpowered sometimes.

Second (and current) character:
Vehrion Voilec, survivor and hunter. Rarely fighting and no magic powers. One of his greatest weaknesses is magic, and you can kill him with even the most weakest spells. [Will die in 10 days due to new character]

Third (planned) character:
Rardoron Faranek. No fighting skills at all, strenghts are herbalism, brewing and alchemy. [Will be used in 10 days]


Legend of Altera
I'm pretty sure you don't. I have exactly three characters.

First character:
Cami the fire elemental, I did not use the powers in fights quite much. If I did, I tried to be as fair as possible. I was a bit bad roleplayer back then, and I might have been overpowered sometimes.

Second (and current) character:
Vehrion Voilec, survivor and hunter. Rarely fighting and no magic powers. One of his greatest weaknesses is magic, and you can kill him with even the most weakest spells. [Will die in 10 days due to new character]

Third (planned) character:
Rardoron Faranek. No fighting skills at all, strenghts are herbalism, brewing and alchemy. [Will be used in 10 days]
Weren't you killed as Vehrion and reanimated by Slade?


Lord of Altera
I remember Cami as a Fire elemental... Definitely op there :p
I remember this, and I do agree, I was op, but it was my first character and I had no previous experience of roleplaying.

My current character has no fighting nor magical skills.

Edit: I also remember that the elemental character I had was over 8 months ago. Long time.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*sighs* I have a feeling I'm going to regret this...

My character, Faelin, has magic.

She started to show signs of magical ability during her youth but, as she lived in a place where magic was not tolerated, she grew fearful of her (minimal) power and fled to find a new home. She never learnt to use, control, or even understand the little power she has so it is useless in combat and generally only occurs when she is afraid, angry or otherwise highly emotional. She will go to great lengths to hide her ability, and will not reveal it at all if possible.

Yes, I have tried to use magic as an emotional weakness for the character, rather than a physical strength. No, I will not be hurling fireballs, being possessed by a demon, stealing souls, causing tidal waves, or transforming into a were-jaguar.

Don't burn me at the stake, pretty please? :)


Magus of Nothing
My character wants to use magic to make a Dragicorn. Because the Archmage says it's impossible he's going to try and do it