Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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1.5 Snapshots, Rumours, Tweets ETC. (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE)


Dark Auras

I heard the MODAPI would be coming out in 1.5 ... We've been waiting a while for that, and with the ModAPI Bukkit itself will become virtually useless...


Settling in Altera
i dont get why people are so obsessed with the mod api i prefer all this main add in stuff to mod stuff by far


But for hollow Balkons weapons mod and mo' creatures would be awesome
I agree with this... spotting a diamond, nearly mining it, and then having a strange mob attack you... ohhh, that would be amazing!


Legend of Altera
And it would give us a more feeling like we are in the untouched nature like it was in that times, also with then the coming of muskets and the blunderbus Altera would goto the next age: renesance (or something)


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
And it would give us a more feeling like we are in the untouched nature like it was in that times, also with then the coming of muskets and the blunderbus Altera would goto the next age: renesance (or something)
I believe Altera is held in the Medieval times by the Corruptors, but a more weapons update would be nice.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
i dont get why people are so obsessed with the mod api i prefer all this main add in stuff to mod stuff by far
Because we can then add all those awesome mods to Altera without everyone having to install the mods. We can make a truely unique Altera AND add all the main stuff ourselves without having to wait for official releases! ;)