Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Basil Brush Phoenix


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I changed Basil's backstory a bit. Not much of an update at all, but a backstory change... that I shall not put into the character profile. If you want to know it, demand answers of Basil and hope he is in a good mood.

EDIT: Oh, besides for those few tid-bits I forgot I added.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Someone make Basil less apathetic. None of my options are that appealing. I could kill Basil, and start over... but I hate that idea, though not as much as forever being apathetic and emotionless.... I could drop Basil for a long time, and just let my imagination be his development. Or, my favorite option, I get some more creative people to think of a solution.


Lord of Altera
Most people would shut themselves away from the problem. So what made Basil feel emotion?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Moments of extreme stress. Or moments of extreme... stimulus? Not sure what the proper word for that is, but he would feel emotion if he were put into a situation where it would be inhuman to not feel emotion.


Lord of Altera
Maybe have Basil take himself away from the stress? Is Basil possibly afraid of his emotions or no? Basil could literally flee if necessary?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Basil is rarely stressed, hence he rarely shows emotion. Basil is not afraid of emotion, though his own mental issues makes him apathetic. Not sure if that's a real mental issue or just his own personality. Basil does not flee, he confronts problems. Usually with fire.


Lord of Altera
Well.. With every strength comes a flaw..
Does most strain deal with things like compassion towards someone?
You might want to pass this information to Basil, no one can be emotionless entirely. Someone thinking they could be, and stressing out over the fact is a very interesting RP.. ;)


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Yes, most strain comes from other people. Personal matters do not upset him the least, because he is, so far, able to ignore them or deal with them. Part of being apathetic is that he doesn't stress over his apathy. :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Basil's "family ties" is a mild like of the Hawklights because they are respectable, and have given him no reason to hate them.