Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

[Town] Aurolus


Lord of Altera
Settlement Name: Aurolus
Mayor: InfamousPride
Current Wealth: 15,000 Radiants
X: Y: Z: (990, 65, -1046)
Population: 33
Link to location on map: Soon to come :)
Daily Tax Rate: N/A
Cheapest Plot Cost: N/A
Biggest Plot Cost: N/A

Description / Introduction: Soon to come :)

Screenshots: Posted below by Bellon ^^ Thanks man

Look in-game quite a few to type here.

(Town officially supported by Sonkiro ^^)


Hi. i would LOVE to join your town, it sounds new and better,i've been looking for a new town for ages, and it looks like i found one :D.


I have been searching around for a place to live and after what I have heard, this town should be a good place.
Can I join the town?


I have made the long and arduous travel to Aurolus. I also did some scouting of the area looking for profit! I got a lot of equipment and was robbed by a souless highwayman! I Then stumbled upon a mineshife and found some serious kit! Permission to join your town!

Bellon the Wise

Welcome to Altera Avery! I hope you are enjoying the many wonders of the land.

Please feel free to stop by our town at any time. It is due east of Port Silver, take the road past Ascension Heights. Our mayor is Infamous Pride, speak with him and he will let you know 'what's what'!
I am fairly new to this server, But I would love to join your town! Please allow me to attempt to benefit the growing of this beautiful place :D