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Game Of Crowns

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The Arbiter of the Gods
Not entirely sure if it wouldn't go into the... less good Gods of Altera, to be entirely honest :p


Retired Staff
What if only one house enters the Game of Crowns? Does that house win automatically?


*is brimming with excitement*

But I can't see us winning, all those inactive members and racist ideals.... *may or may not be sarcasm* Only time will tell.

Kind of annoying that I have exams this month though :/


Sorrows Warrior
*is brimming with excitement*

But I can't see us winning, all those inactive members and racist ideals.... *may or may not be sarcasm* Only time will tell.

Kind of annoying that I have exams this month though :/
Well, the racist ideals are kinda on the down-low, now that the Slayers are out of the house...right?


Lord of Altera
House Arcturus, supported by Societas Magnanimous, enters the Game of Crowns to restore justice and prosperity to the war-ridden lands of Altera!
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