Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Faelin of Eldor


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Fine, here's something to shut you up. :p
It's not quite right, but the essential bow structure is correct; slightly recurved selfbow of a light hardwood with a sinew string. Only difference is Faelin's bow has leaves engraved on the limbs, is a slightly whiter colour and the arrows are fletched with pheasant feathers.
EDIT: Incidentally... Archery is awesome. :D


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*grabs a pipe and a walking stick* I'm thinking of adding some elements from this new-fangled character profile template all the youngsters are going on about...

Currently added hygiene and languages, I will soon add voice, and possibly personality (although it's not likely).

I should have the favourite/least favourite thingymagijjies up fairly soon though... Stay tuned, folks! *munches on a carrot*


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Or Roleplay with her. . *hides and I n his bush*
Feel free. :p
I sometimes find it difficult to find a way to RP with "quieter" characters because she is not the world's best conversation starter, and would just keep herself to herself given the choice.