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turning mob protection off

Mobs on or off?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I agree with both of you. Steel suggested we make it so mobs only spawn in really dark places, I think that might make it work.

I'm split on the PvP being turned on. It's better (necessary) for RP, but also has a lot of drama potential. We need clear rules. Murder illegal all the time? Or maybe allow it during the night?


Murder only legal if they have a confirmed rp profile as a thief/bandit. That way, it forces people to put thought etc into their characters and actually play them instead of simply murdering. Like, if your character isn't a bandit, why in the world would he be murdering people on the road. That kind of thing.

Furthermore, if you are a bandit, I want a bit of rp talking, maybe giving the person a chance to hand over stuff, before you simply kill them. On the other side, people rping as caravan/merchant/town guards - act first to perhaps arrest them if you see them, instead of instant murder. Etc ;)


Loyal Servant of Altera
i agree with the above statement on bandityness, however it should be a separate application with more difficult questions about your characters morales and the like? Also I voted no and to slap megan, mostly because it amused me. However it is a difficult one.

Though, personally? I'd rather mobs didn't spawn in towns and it didn't look like the town was having some sorta weird Christmas lights festival all year round. If a method could be found where the mobs wouldn't spawn in towns but would wander in, or the mob spawn rate in towns is lowered but will happen regardless of light levels, I might be for it, but as has already been stated, it's a game mechanic, and people are going to spam torches.


The Anime loving Brony
I think it's actually a good Idea to turn Mob's off in some towns, yet let some mayors who's RP background has Magic in it (Wizard, Elf's etc...) still have the option, although it will cost them some Radiants to do so.


Loyal Servant of Altera
realisticly, enemies did lurk around your towns waiting for victims... and people didnt travel at night because of the dangers. What good are your houses in towns if you never use them? You could just slap a bunch of chests together in a brick box if ur only gonna use it for storage. Having a town guard and people fighting off wild animals/bandits/etc was common. As well as people terrified of myths and tales of the walking dead and monsters that came to ravage villages. But if u want the sissy way out, thats fine... sissy...
There is a difference.
Humans would walk around your town waiting for victims, PVP is supposed to be ON so when it isn't broken that will already happen, we do not need monsters lurking around town at that point, especially with that freaking glitch xD
if you dont know what it is, basically when it lags and i go into the wild, it looks like monsters are attacking me but i do not see any damage taken until im out of health.

junungi darklight

I think I might like it here
torches and such only need apply till lanterns are introduced then the lanterns with a larger lighting area than the torches can be more sparse and when the lanterns are introduced the torches are supposed to need relit more work /rp opportunity


King ForumStalker
Honestly i believe this is a horrible idea in the sense of Realistic's. Realistically, enemies did not roam around your towns waiting for victims. Also, it really would be bad for people who travel at night.
However, realistically enemies could come in from outside the walls. If you could make it possible that mobs do not spawn in town, but can enter town, that would be really fun. Towns would need to build walls (if they wanted to), and walls arent torches. By this i mean that spamming torches is not as ugly as making your town wall plain fences. Warstrom, for example, has huge town walls, they would never settle for a basic town wall to keep people out.
I agree with this to be truly honest. Monsters and evil creatures wouldn't be born inside the city walls (except in very special circumstances *wink RP wink*) but they would advance to towns and attack. This allows people to defend their cities without worrying about a spider spawning behind them or something, and actually gives a purpose to these huge fortifications like walls and towers (this is what they were built for!). It would add to the rp, I don't agree with monsters spawning INSIDE towns but spawning outside and being able to walk into them if they are not protected enough would be a good idea.

The only problem I can think if is that mobs may not attack cities as much as just wander in, to solve this, can we increase mobs sight range? so that they spot a player from outside the players sight range and approach the town they are in?


<3 Hollow World
I think towns should have to pay for the protection, probably not possible but if we could set taxes on a town by town basis (this is the tax the town pays, not the resident) then it could be cool. You want to live in a mob free town? Find we'll send out guards to protect you, but you'll have to pay for them ;)

It would mean protected towns has to instigate taxes, so the trammies (ultima online term) who want protection get it but those who don't mind a fight get to live cheap.

Sadly I doubt Towny lets you set upkeep costs on a town by town basis.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
I think towns should have to pay for the protection, probably not possible but if we could set taxes on a town by town basis (this is the tax the town pays, not the resident) then it could be cool. You want to live in a mob free town? Find we'll send out guards to protect you, but you'll have to pay for them ;)

It would mean protected towns has to instigate taxes, so the trammies (ultima online term) who want protection get it but those who don't mind a fight get to live cheap.

Sadly I doubt Towny lets you set upkeep costs on a town by town basis.
I like that idea :)


Lord of Altera
I think Mobs should not spawn inside town walls, but you could organize a town guard and fight the monsters clawing at the walls. But yes I like the idea.


Hollows Explorer
But then again... What about the small towns? What if there are only a few people in town at the time? What if everyone is AFK? (just for the sake of a what if) Do they come back from changing a diaper to find out they died 5 minutes ago because mob spawn was turned on in all towns and they lost all of their stuff? What about us who like our 'evil underground lairs' to stay evil, not dangerous? will it add to the RP element? In a way yes. But the mobs would be spawning too often, in large amounts, and remember folks, your 'evil underground lair' doesn't get sunlight. If a town guard was implemented, they would have to be NPC, a large number of them, and have near unlimited health. Also, i know others have already commented on it, but our towns look beautiful with minimal torches. any more, and it starts to look like a freakin joke. it's not even funny how many torches will be put down. "What?! Your house uses different textured blocks to give it an amazingly complex/beautiful design?!?!?! All i see are torches."

I say the poll is biased! You need a choice that says: I want my 'Evil Underground Lair' to be evil, not infested with angry creatures I am supposed to be controlling with dark magic...

Yes. i have an 'Evil Underground Lair' under my house. i would not want to empty the lava out of my giant fireplace to destroy the amount of mobs that will be spawning in the minimal torchlight.


Well, if the mobs-spawning-in-places-not-so-dark is the only issue, I can write a plugin for it?
We already have a plugin that modifies light levels a specific mob can spawn in :p

Mob spawns are staying out side towns only, but they can wander into town making the outskirts more dangerous then the center. Also gives some use to walls.


Moderating the herps & derps
atleast it gives us the idea of closing the towns with a town wall around it, thats a great thing :D would make it all cool.