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An Interesting Problem


Itzzaboy said:
As to the conversation at hand, I believe punishments are out of the question. Perhaps maybe some form of reward or small advantage that can be gained ingame by being highly ranked on the organisations "leaderboard"
I used to hate it in school when the naughty kids used to be rewarded for acting like a normal human being, too much of a reward could lead to this.

On the other hand I'm still strongly for this leaderboard idea! It would give some kind of objective for an organisation that would encourage good RP.


King ForumStalker
I used to hate it in school when the naughty kids used to be rewarded for acting like a normal human being, too much of a reward could lead to this.
I understand that, but we'd need some sort of incentive to get people on the right track and persuade those who oppose it that it isn't such a bad idea. Punishments are heavily opposed and would do more harm than good, and while rewards are far from perfect, I don't see another solution.


King ForumStalker
Yes, let's get re-railed.

What would be the units for this leaderboard?
Flat units of influence and power would be the easiest to keep track of and easier to work into some sort of system, the hard bit is working out how to distribute said values, and what sort of goals would need to be accomplished to gain them.


Lord of Altera
ohmigeebus, creating a thread so there is a love button on the forums. Or maybe a literal LOL button.
XenForo forum software has a built-in rating system that this site doesn't use. I don't like it, seeing as it contains negative ratings as well, effectively suppressing opinions.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
... I think its fine how it is. A little encouragement and discouragement, sure, but I don't believe it necessary to implement what is being suggested...


It could be different for each organisation. For example the guards could be measured in enforcement, where points are given when they make rational arrests, presecutions etc.
This would stop overpowered enforcement, such as ripping off limbs for stealing bread.
The bandits could be measured by "inserttermhere" for commiting acts such as mugging, raiding, etc
This would stop random attacks that are pointless to the organisation such as killing a random peasant.

Assassins could be measured by their ability to complete contracts or whatever they do nowadays.

The inquisition could be measure almost like the guards but for darknloods, demons, etc.

I also think the points need to a large unit so that smaller things can earn a few points like the inquisitors warning citizens about demon attacks, etc. Just to earn a few points.
So ridding a demon from PS could be 100 points and warning a group of people about an increase in demon attacks could be 6 points.
that's my idea.

So basically being rewarded by good roleplay within an organisation and sticking to their goals.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I think there's been a misconception as far as the whole "punishment" thing goes.

The example has been PS guards and people breaking the law, and in this specific case, the guard would gain tangible power by being able to punish people that break the law. Realize that this punishment is to a character, not a player. We need to distribute power evenly though, so that all groups effectively have power. The Pirates, for instance, could rob people that wander into the Cove, or kill them, or whatever as well. This gives the Pirates actual power. That's what this thread is about - fixing the issue which is that a lot of players simply ignore the "power" groups should realistically have.

In no way is this a player punishment to kill their character. It is simply a realistic deterrent to aid players in making more logical decisions. Right now, you can jump all over the roofs at PS, and if you don't want it, the guard there can do nothing to you. This is allowing players to make bad roleplaying decisions, simply in spite of the "rules" being issued. If the guard has actual power to affect the offending characters, then this will make players stop and think before doing something illogical.

Yes, I do think there can be positive benefits given to people for roleplaying logically, but I don't think that the negative reinforcement is a bad option either. After all, the players still have the option to commit the act or not, but now the groups in power have a way to actually use said power, rather than what happens currently, which is next to nothing.