Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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An Interesting Problem


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Hey, we brainstormed some ideas! :p
True. I've gotten a number of ideas, and maybe enough to propose something to staff with. I'm just so tired of seeing groups that have responsibilities not be able to take care of said responsibilities because they can't really exert any kind of actual power.


Official Alteran
True. I've gotten a number of ideas, and maybe enough to propose something to staff with. I'm just so tired of seeing groups that have responsibilities not be able to take care of said responsibilities because they can't really exert any kind of actual power.


Lord of Altera
True. I've gotten a number of ideas, and maybe enough to propose something to staff with. I'm just so tired of seeing groups that have responsibilities not be able to take care of said responsibilities because they can't really exert any kind of actual power.
Woot! We did something useful, that's good. Sorry for instigating a GIF war with Mich, but a little humor is always good.