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An Interesting Problem


Lord of Altera
Ah, the glorious OP arrives! Yes, I agree that groups should have more power. They should also feel more real, with inner turmoil and the such. I say we should all re-rail seriously now.

EDIT: Said guilds, meant groups.


King Oglub said:
Itzzaboy said:
and rerail, yes.
Faelin said:
slight re-rail...
SparkInSpace said:
rerail >.>
Itzzaboy said:
Come forth... RERAILOSAURUS!
Rextoret said:
but let's re-rail for good now.
Rextoret said:
Yes, let's get re-railed.
SparkInSpace said:
can we get an actual rerail pls. ._.
Rextoret said:
Yes, let's get back on-topic.


Lord of Altera
I was looking forward to debating and coming up with a solution for the given problem on this thread.
This gif war is much better.