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Some changes in the new world. [Please read]


Lord of Altera
It'll encourage good dealings and more things for "trader" characters to do.

On top of that, chestshops would be put to less waste because people would look around for good offers a bit more. The second point is a maybe, really, but it could still happen.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I'm still wondering what will happen to towns that entirely depend upon Airships.
Mainly because one of them is my own town.


Lord of Altera
Only because the airships are going to get removed does not mean that you have to remove all the NPCs as well....


Lord of Altera
Only because the airships are going to get removed does not mean that you have to remove all the NPCs as well....
That would make the airdocks a trade town! :D Although I like them, we're going to have to make the airdocks the "seadocks" because there are far too many ships and journeys to compensate for. Then again, there's a few things going on with NPC's such as the Sherbzz one, and it may be able to teleport someone to more that one place, if you don't have me wrong.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
The airdocks will be gone but the npcs will still be around yoda.
They will just be in PS instead.


Carpet Monkey
Everything Yoda said regarding no npc-shops anymore

there are some ways needed to gain money through the server. while pure merchanting is a beautifull thought we have dead vaults like regions, nobility and well..materials we use to build. those vaults are too big as to be filled just with voting money or donating money, to speak of flowing money would be just a joke then.

if server-shops are closed, there will be other ways needed like quest-npc's, money for killing mobs or destroying certain blocks.

(if someone things now "but why does it work in reallife then?" well first answer is it doesn't, as we see day by day and year by year, for those who pay attention to news. And the seccond is, in HW, only merchants would get money for their jobs. for a true economy and flowing money everyone would need to be payed, based on what he does and the crown would need taxes to still provide all services that states normally provide (for example all the guards that need to be payed). But even then we have a problem as most people have a job that concerns fighting. the prices for fighters would drastically drop and befor our server realy has the chance to impliment a realistic economy, we already have an inflation)

EDIT: meh, legion sniped me, but everything up there is still true :p


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
i challange you to do an experiemnt and if i am wrong in the end, i will buy you icecream ;-)
Fine. Thought Experiment.
And just for added awesomeness, im going to use your prize of icecream as the example.

You challenged me. You offered icecream as an incentive for me to try, being that, if I try and win, I receive ice cream.
Your use of it as an incentive is contingent on the fact that you believe it is a worthy enough incentive for me to attempt the challenge. (Hence, why no one says, "We will make a bet, and if you win, I will give you a bag of dog crap!" )
This means that you find ice cream to be worth something. (Worth approximately the effort of attempting your challenge.)
But to me, ice cream is worthless. I don't much like it, and never eat very much at a time. I would not consider it as a worthy incentive to put in the effort to complete the challenge. (I am doing this for other reasons. :p )

This is an illustration of the fact of relative worth. What is valuable to you may not be valuable to me.
This concept is all important in understanding merchanting: merchanting is categorically effective because both sides make money. Lets say I mine obsidian, for the sake of selling it. In order to mine lots of obsidian, I invest in a diamond efficiency 5, unbr 3 enchanted pickaxe, and get my mcmmo mining skill to 200. I can now mine obsidian more quickly and more efficiently than the average person. A merchant approaches me, offering to buy my obsidian in mass quantities, at whole sale.
His intention is of course to sell off my supply in small packets to others at 200% price so that he makes substantial profits.
According to you, should I agree to this trade, only the merchant would be making money.
But, for two reasons, you are wrong.
1. Relative worth. (As illustrated above) Because of my special diamond pick and my 200 level skill, obsidian is far less annoying to mine for me than it is for you. Thus, as I can get it easier, it is worth less to me than it is to you. Because it is worth less to me than it is to you, I can sell it to you for a price that is greater than its worth to me, but less than its worth to you, and thus we both make money from the trade.
2. As a merchant, you buy my obsidian in mass quantities. I can collect a lot more obsidian than the average person will ever need at one time. Selling it myself would be a long arduous process of finding markets and then haggling for prices. The merchant buys my supply in large quantities however, on the idea that he spend his time finding the market and make a little money for his trouble.
Essentially, selling my obsidian to a merchant is like hiring an employee to sell the obsidian I mine for me.

Now, where is my icecream?


Magus of Nothing
Probably not valid. This will do the complete opposite to what is wanted and needed. Why would anyone refund their city if they receive only a fraction of what they originally spent on it, and what they will have to spend on a new one.
Exactly. Much cheaper to transport the city over, destroy all the buildings and start anew.


Not vaild?! I can't be cubed to do move towns over new world, I decided to start new region!


Lord of Altera
Airships will not be allowed in new world. None will be moved over.
You know, this will have an additional benefit as well, I just realized. Before, several cities didn't really have an organized dock, and it might take a while to get to places and find ships. Now, every ship will have to at least be at water level.


Legend of Altera
Why do you all think that all the towns will have to have a lot of boats or a lot of stables or something. If you have your own little boat or your own horse, then use it! And if you need to get to a particular town, then take a set of boats! The town that I'm in will NOT have every single town in it, maybe not even PS. Real small towns of the age would never have a flotilla of ships going to every single town. Likewise, they all wound't have a ship going to the capital, they would take ships to town or cities that were closer and then take other ships or ride over to the capital. Or, if your close enough, they would just ride or walk over to the capital. This may sound rude and stupid, but that's the facts and I'm sad and angry that people can't see past that. This isn't the biggest news, either, it's been talked about for weeks on Team Speak!

Now can someone answer my question of whether or not the EF or SW will be shortened to just one world? And also wether or not the old worlds will be taken off the sever as well. I'm really looking for something that will reduce lag on the sever here people. Sorry if I seem cranky, but I already asked this question twice and nobody seems to want to answer with even "I don't know, go ask my neighbor" at least. If you all are really worried about the balloons, then go make a different thread for that, but please let people like me who have other questions just have our say alright?