Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some changes in the new world. [Please read]


Lord of Altera
Also, without an airship, Naelwyn is going to have a heck of a climb to Rota Magna
I'm pretty sure Naelwyn is planning on having it crash to the ground in a glorious fiery explosion as part of the magic reboot. (Or already has, in RP at least.)
I think it would be cool if there was a town at the bottom of the NK (get there by boat/horsies) and on that border town there was a giant arch/wall thingy. You cross into the gate and come to the SW. Get some cartel border wars going on and stuff.
Seconded. Get kind of a U.S./Mexico thing going on. :p


Lord of Altera
Precisely! The border town that is near the gate would have plenty of good RPs going on there...probably


Lord of Altera
Oh right.

Towns will be fully refunded so they can be reclaimed in the next world. There's a 'bonus' planned for towns that only take over plots (therefore not needing world edit and making it easier to move over).
And also, to end that, towns that just 'take over plots' (get refunded and don't take over any builds) can organise 'safe' boxes where they can take over any goods they need easily... as long as it's at least in a square shape xD


Lord of Altera
Geez Sally, make it hard for us why don'tchya. I mean, a square, that's like asking God to give me money.....and a pony. :p
haha :p well if it's a circle it'd be difficult to place wouldn't it? I dont think we'd be that picky with it, but it'd at least help


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
As part of the rerail, let's speculate on how we'll get to the EF/SW

Also, without an airship, Naelwyn is going to have a heck of a climb to Rota Magna
Well... I'm not sure anyone will be climbing to Rota Magna ever again XD


Lord of Altera

I'm sorry if I missed this..But I'd like to know..

Do regular chests dissapear <- I guess yes, but I want to be sure
Does the chestbank reset..?
Does the player's inventory reset..?


Lord of Altera
I am not sure whether this is an asked question or not but will all of your items in the towns that are being moved go with the town?


Lord of Altera
Hey, I've got another question regarding to moving over things during the exodus. Can we request specific locations for our things to be moved to?