Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Tavish with a cigarette = awesome! How do you know? Sometimes Demoman usually do smoke.


Lord of Altera
If you insert a roll of paper up a demons nose, there is an 8% chance that it will turn into a cigarette an 90% chance that you will catch fire and a 2% chance said demon will fall over and have a seisure.


We demons of our solemn hour
One. .. NO my character is not based on cicero
two. .. I only wear red jester suits because they are classy
Three. .. how can someone not have heard of me?
Four. .. I want my lawyer


Lord of Altera
half the time when you respond to anything i do it's a "shut up" or a "be sensible" thing, i'm feeling a bit... well... :(
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