Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Free Sketches

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Lord of Altera


-table flip- Fine then i will find the most ridiculously outlandish pose i can think of!
This but swap the guy (bro) with my character and the horse with a minecraft pig. RAAAAARGH!




Lord of Altera
Name: Jeffrey Mournstar.
Appearance/Important Details:
Hair: Shaggy, unkempt, charcoal-black.
Eyes: Maroon.
Skin: Slightly flushed, tanned skin that looks like it's slightly burned. Engem tattoos come down from his eyes in a tear like direction down his neck
Clothes: A black cloak with red embroidered patterns on the sleeves, and lining on his hood (Pirate insignia on the back, but you won't be able to see it in the picture). The front of the cloak is open, revealing a blood-red shirt underneath. The cloak itself has silver buttons near the top of the chest, and on the ends of the sleeves. Wears a big leather belt with a silver buckle around his waist. Blood-red gloves as well. Dark brown pants with black boots.
Pose: Sitting up on a roof with one leg hanging off the ledge with his arms crossed over his chest.
Props: One of his rats sitting next to him, and his knife in his left hand. (Optional: You can add his sword on his hilt if you want.)
- A picture of Jeffrey's knife that I drew rather awfully: Knife.png
- A picture of Jeffrey's sword that I drew just as crappy as the knife: Sword.png
Expression: A calm expression with a bit of a smirk, not entirely happy, yet not sad or upset.
MC Skin: i51b6ac9b65cbd346822624297646246746101.png
Details: Look at my forum avatar (Corvo Attano), he's the closest representation of Jeffrey. Only exception is Jeffrey's younger-looking, at the age of 23.
corvo.jpg Just without the facial hair, and a few years younger-looking.
Please, Michy?

(Picture included is a variation of the character Corvo Attano from the game "Dishonored", published by Bethesda. The picture itself was made by obsceneblue on deviantart. Link.)

EDIT: I changed the skin, hope that's still okay
EDIT 2: Changed his outfit :I
EDIT 3: Added his Engem tats... You're gonna hate me soon... :/



Lord of Altera
I really hate to nag.... But I asked for mine a while ago.... And it's not on the planned page, but people who asked after me are.... Once again... Sorry to nag


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
How specific can we be? I'm a fussy git and will probably write about 700 words regarding it all.



Lord of Altera
Name: Darko
Appearence/Important Details: Dark green and black cloak, with spots of blood on the hands. Hair is unkempt, but is so black it's hard to even see. He is missing one eye and has an eyepatch over it, but there is still blood on his face from the eye getting cut out. His other eye is a dull purple. As for his mouth, it should be in a sort of twisted smile, with a small scar on the very edge of his mouth going to his chin.
Pose: Maybe crouching aiming a throwing knife
Props:Throwing knife he is about to toss, and a cutlass in a sheath by his waist.
Expression: Smiling at his mouth, but his eye is a bit sad.
MC Skin:
Not sure how to properly upload skin, so just search my IGN on Minershoes. (Vestigial_Limb)
Here it is Mich, as for the pose, that was a suggestion. Just do whatever works easiest for you :)


Lord of Altera
It looks cool though, really looks like she is chased into a corner or something! By the way, whats that above his left hand?
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