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Moving Towns Over

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Lord of Westray
There are 3 markers down for Timbervale as possible locations. As most of you know I was planning to create one huge region (at least 2500 plots) and for there to be multiple settlements within. Finding a location for such a large region takes time, hence why there are possible locations marked instead of me picking a definite spot. Ideally we wanted the region to be easily expandable so that's why the locations were chosen, plus they offered suitable terrain, some nice variety and great geographical features to work with. Hopefully you can see why I haven't just put a pin down and claimed the first area I saw...

Unfortunately I'm not available now until Monday night or Tuesday, so apologies for any inconvenience my lack of definite decisions cause! Anyone who wants to claim an area near the existing possible locations for Timbervale, please get in touch with me on Tuesday or later so we can all come to an agreement :)

- Boulder

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Town Name: Zuk'Thar
Mayors: MrLightyy
Second in charges: Frankieba5 and Cannonalch.
Population: 24 last time I check, think its more now
New World Coordinates: X= 3527 Z=8832
Other: Hell biome:Picture1.png


Retired Staff
Question for Lonmar peeps: Why so many regions? Some of them are horrifically inactive, as far as they go, and that's the sort of thing we've been trying to avoid. Better to consolidate your claim into a massive region a la Boulderpaul, no?


Question for Lonmar peeps: Why so many regions? Some of them are horrifically inactive, as far as they go, and that's the sort of thing we've been trying to avoid. Better to consolidate your claim into a massive region a la Boulderpaul, no?
Because most are awesome builds and/or make no sense going next to eachother. Some are also private regions.


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Because most are awesome builds and/or make no sense going next to eachother. Some are also private regions.
Yes, but do we need awesome builds that won't be used by anyone ? If they will, ok, no problem.
But if they won't, then why cling to some old & deserted things ?


Lord of Altera
On behalf of the venetian council:

Town Name: Aurolus
Mayors: Liveastroman21, Desarchemist, Rexyn, Creeperhunterpb
Plots: Approx 260, exact number is unknown due to a bug
Population: ca. 25
New World Coordinates: X= 10264 Z = 4162
Other: There is a small island containing the storageroom in the middle of the upper arc. It reaches a long way down.


Yes, but do we need awesome builds that won't be used by anyone ? If they will, ok, no problem.
But if they won't, then why cling to some old & deserted things ?
Ok, perhaps a more simple point, because we want them? If the regions were purchased I don't see a problem with them being moved over, there will no doubt be a huge amount of towns made just like before, I'm sure this won't make a huge difference. They are also all in one area of the map and all within walking/riding distance from eachother which makes for good RP. It's not like they are spread across the map.


Lord of Altera
Town Name: Kyrnvaald
Mayors: creeperhunterpb, Desarchemist, SobekRa
Plots: 38
Population: 8
New World Coordinates:9984, 3923
Other: just try to keep it on the tip of that island where the coords are.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Ok, perhaps a more simple point, because we want them? If the regions were purchased I don't see a problem with them being moved over, there will no doubt be a huge amount of towns made just like before, I'm sure this won't make a huge difference. They are also all in one area of the map and all within walking/riding distance from eachother which makes for good RP. It's not like they are spread across the map.
I understand, you don't want to lose your stuff that you spent ages building... But the whole purpose of the new world is to clean up the unused places that litter the map!
Obviously it is your choice if something you own is brought over or not, but try to see it from the staff's point of view, the amount of effort it takes to port it over compared to how much use it will actually be.


Lord of Altera
Town Name: Silverwatch
Mayors: KatrinMair (and le inactive chrisnoble)
Plots: 131
Population: 49
New World Coordinates: this mountain on the coords 9400, 9700
Other: It uses every space down to bedrock.
This small river on the side of one of the mountains should become the big one in the new world..
there are farms but they can be replaced by the new bigger river


Lord of Altera
Town Name: Kyrnvaald
Mayors: creeperhunterpb, Desarchemist, SobekRa
Plots: 38
Population: 8
New World Coordinates:9984, 3923
Other: just try to keep it on the tip of that island where the coords are.
ok, so i changed my mind, got to check it out and decided that in fact i did not like it. the new location is at 10729, 3833


Town Name: Sorangarth
Mayors: SparkInSpace
Plots: 67
Population: me and a couple, it is a private region.
New World Coordinates: x13943 Z1354
Other: Not getting moved over, just claiming for a new build


Lord of Altera
Town Name: Caldwell
Mayors: Michael_Dirix
Plots: 61
Population: ~20
New World Coordinates: 9630 10100
Other: It should face the river.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Eep, New World Co-ordinates are needed now? o.o
I guess I should repost mine with those added...

Town Name: Aeroch Nor (Aeroch_Nor)
Mayors: WarWolf_1
Plots: 179
Population: Don't know the exact number, but quite a lot, many members, most of the houses full.
New Town Coordinates: Somewhere in the 9000, 8000 Mountain Range Area, Preferably on the edge of it about 9347, 8497 - ish.
Current Town Coordinates: (First Plot) X:7417 Z:14857 Y:123
Other: Lots of Mountains... Valleys, There is a jungle surrounding it, we want to know if we can keep the jungle on one side but have a 'Mountain-Backyard' as some like to call it.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Wow, I don't check the forums for 24 hours and suddenly everything is already taken. Really appreciate the thought behind how the new plots were distributed.

You'd thought there would have been more organization behind this. Like, the ruling house can choose their location first, followed by port silver hubs, followed by other cities brought over, and then everyone starting over after that.... but whatever. Instead it's just who happened to be lucky enough to see the post when it came up. whatever.

Riddleport is needing to be carried over. There's an ocean and a river, so the city has to fit somewhere with both of those features. The city also houses the greyling population and a series of sewers, so that'll need to be copied over as well.

find or WE a working spot to put the city at, I'm honestly too frustrated with how this was handled to care where anymore.
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