Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Geopolitics, Claims, and Lore


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum

Okay guys, here is what I've gotten so far!

Red (North West) is the Engem village. Its on the contested land, but I don't think Goldengem plans on expanding much out of there.

Purple (Central) is Helios, it is located on the island, and on both banks of the river.

Orange is New-Harlaus. Its rough because so far nobody has decided how the city will be made. Debating between the foot of the mountain (and surrounding areas) or on the mountain's river (And only a small section on the foot).

Light blue (Hard to stop, slightly South-East of the range) is the Arcturus Outpost. I can't imagine it expanding further than that, so it is only small.

White (East face of the range) is Aeroch Nor, owned by Warwolf. Not technically Arcturus, but we're on good-terms with him. I thought it would be good to mark that out.

Black (North end of the range) is the area that I'm okay with letting the Dwarves claim on. Seth, this is your section!


Magus of Nothing
Also, if you want me to add you in you have to outline the area you've chosen on a map.


Non sum qualis eram
Note: Certain Server builds take higher prio, so iffen yer too close we might make ya hafta scooch, or have a cutoff to influence in the area.

Could someone update the map with Port Silver and Daggerfall's present locations and give them a non-trivial influence zone? It should nom any other one it overlaps.


Non sum qualis eram
Addendum 2:

If there is an intractable claim conflict between two groups, I would like to first take them both into Mediation, to see if I can assist in arranging a compromise or mutually-beneficial arrangement.

If Mediation efforts fail I will take it into Arbitration and decide the victorious claimant(s) based on a number of factors, including #Of Active Players, Build Sizes, Logical Culture/Lore, and Map Dynamics Effects.


The Kingdom Crusher
Merp, someone mind expanding the Arcturus border to the edge of rhe island exactly north west of it? You know, the place with the rivers :3 AKA x 6400 z 6400