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Geopolitics, Claims, and Lore



House August fully supports the creation of this region and will do anything in its power to make this work.

If all Augusts' heirs agree, a powerful alliance between our houses will most likely be formed in the near future.

Our millions combined... [Evil Grin]
"Join me, and together, we will rule the universe, muahaha" Darth Bode


Non sum qualis eram
House August fully supports the creation of this region and will do anything in its power to make this work.

If all Augusts' heirs agree, a powerful alliance between our houses will most likely be formed in the near future.

Our millions combined... [Evil Grin]
*Will have about 2,500,000r in personal wealth upon world transition*

Alliance of the 1%?


Non sum qualis eram
Additional Addendums to Claimancy Rules:

Any build that is determined to be strictly terrain-dependent gets a substantial boost in priority if things proceed to the point where I have to intervene.

If something is built into a mountain, well, it by default needs to get a mountain.

Things with docks need to have some water access.


This rule will save terraformers far too much work to ignore.


Size-of-claim-blots are rough and correspond more to cultural and racial influence than actual plot control and management. They will likely shrink as this process continues.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Arduin is trying to jump in upper-left where Forest meets Snow, to better accomodate the Nakam to the rest of the world, and we're basing around that frozen river so we have a path into the snow lands through the mountains.

EDIT: Sniped by epic map.
Perfect placement- All looks good to me XD


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
boop woop, what'chu guys think?

Obviously, there are still two "Contested" areas in BouldJodels shade



Lord of Altera
I'm still at Mcm so I can't really stake a full claim, but from looking at the map I'd like to make a sorta claim on the little inlet on the Eastern side of the main continent. Its right on the coast, east and a little north of the lake. If someone could put a little note on that (if you figure out where I mean) that would be awesome ^^;


Retired Staff
House August fully supports the creation of this region and will do anything in its power to make this work.

If all Augusts' heirs agree, a powerful alliance between our houses will most likely be formed in the near future.

Our millions combined... [Evil Grin]
I, Kvothe Noldor, Heir to House August, fully support this alliance.


Lord of Altera
All claims are void yeah I still like to ask though... Is there a reason the spot I wanted is suddenly in a red circle?

House August fully supports the creation of this region and will do anything in its power to make this work.

If all Augusts' heirs agree, a powerful alliance between our houses will most likely be formed in the near future.

Our millions combined... [Evil Grin]
Looks like enough space for all of us... Supported!


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Hey Naelwyn, since all claims have been removed, I feel I should ask this...
The Geopolitical regions are still standing, right?