Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I need your help!


King ForumStalker
Running a town takes a lot of commitment, money and time. I tried once and failed miserably, so I must implore that you try to join a town rather than make one if you are not 100% sure you can put the commitment into it.

Also I hope that everyone starts writing RP stories behind their towns, im getting bored. Give meh stories!


The Anime loving Brony
Running a town takes a lot of commitment, money and time. I tried once and failed miserably, so I must implore that you try to join a town rather than make one if you are not 100% sure you can put the commitment into it.

Also I hope that everyone starts writing RP stories behind their towns, im getting bored. Give meh stories!
:eek: *weakly* Yaaay! Even more thread's for me to read :(


Lord of Altera
I think you would be useful to both towns. Please do keep in mind that ascension has 41 citizens, and I got 3 now xD

Oh and Itzza, haven't you read the story I wrote about the town?

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Well whatever happens, Ill help you build it. Ill see what happens after 1.9 (Ill speak to billy, turu, cast and you!) and then probably join this town. I saw reviewerman today. He said he wants to help and after I told him about the town he said "Awesome!!" And then he went on about how he would want to become a assistant mayor :)P) and stuff. Dont let him be an assistant mayor.....please........ :p If you knew him IRL, you wouldnt want him to be one. He'll probably look at this post and see this now..........then he'll kill me.
I will help get wool, but ill need shears and a sword (for monster defense) i will also gather any other materials if i can be town member


Hollows Explorer
Ah dude... im a very kind guy, however as usual on hollowworld i seem to be poor as it is humanly possible (dwarvernly, elvernly, orcishly...) i would help you if i could...

Peace out



Lord of Altera
Sure, I'd be glad to add both of you.

I used to be really poor (and I can't say i got a lot of money left now, with town setting up) so is we all work together, we could make it work.

Ill add you to the town convo :D