Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Hey, Shrimpsy, I totally just remembered that I still haven't gotten those leaves from you yet! When/where should I pick them up? (Do you have/are you planning on having an outgoing requests chest?)

Also, if you don't mind, can I also request:
10 diamonds
5 stacks of sand < nevermind on this


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Hi! I got the lvl 34 myself now :) but I can supply D_fry with the books if he wants to :)

Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
Not sure if this is still going but....
I was wondering if you could get me quite a few Redwood logs.
About two stacks should be enough for what I need to do.


Lord of Altera
Umm... did you ever make the donation chest? And if so, where is it?
Apparently, I'm only to rent a shop in PS after the Exodus, so be patient! Otherwise, if you really want to, I could put up a chest with hopper in my home, but the way thereto is tedious.
How/When/Where can I pick mine up? :3
Could you like put it in a chest in Aeroch, I dont think we're on at the same time much
Sure, I'll put it in my guild room, not hard to find :p